Peter Castell's photos

Room Without a View

12 Mar 2016 6 6 183
Room With A View was a famous English film 1985

Working Hard

05 Mar 2016 1 4 230
It's an illusion there is a diesel at the back pushing

End of the line

05 Mar 2016 1 7 151

It's been raining again !!!


27 Feb 2016 1 4 122
What do you think Jaap? the problem is the different light levels if your could show the pattern of the roof with out over exposing the windows, I should have asked if I could have got exactly under the centre besides looking better it might have helped with the light

Ely Cathedral

27 Feb 2016 2 11 184
Unfortunately it wasn't possible to get exactly central

St. David's Day

Ely Cathedral

27 Feb 2016 2 6 185

Full Steam Ahead

Brave New World

18 Feb 2016 8 17 225
Leicester Botanic garden

Golden Fountain

16 Feb 2016 14 19 298
No edit other than cropped under exposed to enhance the colour

Golden Trio

12 Feb 2016 6 12 189


06 Feb 2016 10 11 201
I would love to have removed those labels

Past Times

02 Feb 2016 6 3 151
My Mother is on this I'm not 100% certain but I think she is 2nd from the left 2nd row with ringlets this would be about 1911/12

Industrial Relic

1415 items in total