BDD - and friend

*R*I*P* BDD : Ben de-Dog

Ben has left to cross the rainbow bridge, just after Noon on the 4th June 2024. The last thing he heard was me telling him what a good lad he was and I was hugging him to the end. His ashes were handed back to us on 12th June 2024.

Please meet the new apprentice [Oct 2011]. Correction. We've decided on a promotion - Ben is now our "Morale Manager" and in charge of keeping everybody happy. As he h…  (read more)

BDD - on the fell {2 of 3}

27 May 2024 13 5 123
sitting and sniffing the breeze ...

BDD - friendship smoochies

11 Mar 2024 3 2 102
Beauty has come over to Ben de-Dog for a quick smooch - she rubs her face on his, if he stays still long enough.

BBD - Beauty and Ben ...

13 Jan 2024 7 2 161
Now a common sight - Ben and Beauty eating their meals alongside each other, in this case, it's breakfast. Although Ben always finishes first - well, he IS a Labrador, after all - he has not attempted to filch her food at mealtimes. Even when she runs off before finishing - usually because she's still very nervous. . Partly because he's quite elderly, Ben's dish sits on a little "table" - actually a small step / stool. The extra height helps his swallowing / digestion.

gct[4] - Ben 'aving a sniff {10:Nov:2023}

10 Nov 2023 66
Ben just checking in case there's a pee-mail ! [or maybe someone dropped something edible]

BDD - crashed out

07 Nov 2023 3 1 89
Ben and one of his "stuffies" lying on cushions in the main cabin. [found this, and *a few* other images, lurking on a camera card / flash{thumb}drive]

twb[23] / BDD - Dog dunking demo {6 of 6}

29 Aug 2023 1 1 97
Mad Dogs and Englishmen ... Ben is thoroughly enjoying this - he's having plenty of fun, splashing about in the shallows. I think he wants one of us to come in with him !

twb[23] / BDD - Dog dunking demo {5 of 6}

29 Aug 2023 101
Heading back to the beach, with a wavelet catching up ...

twb[23] / BDD - Dog dunking demo {4 of 6}

29 Aug 2023 116
Come on in - the water really is lovely ...

twb[23] / BDD - Dog dunking demo {3 of 6}

29 Aug 2023 104
See the wave top just by Ben's ears ? The small stick he's chasing after splashed down just the far side of the peak.

twb[23] / BDD - Dog dunking demo {2 of 6}

29 Aug 2023 87
Slightly soggy Ben, hoping that one of us will join him in shallow seawater splashing.

twb[23] / BDD - Dog dunking demo {1 of 6}

29 Aug 2023 1 95
After we had eaten lunch at the cafe; the next item on our agenda was to take Ben de-Dog onto the beach. [Set of 6 images] He really enjoys walking on sand, and loves a paddle in the sea. If it's warm enough, he can usually be persuaded to swim a little. Especially important when he's moulting, as the dried sea salt helps de-grease his coat and remove loose fur.

gct[3] - Ben investigating

25 May 2023 3 116
Ben checking the dishes the camera was supposed to be watching.

gct[3] - Ben "pointing"

24 May 2023 3 120
Ben "pointing" at something small and interesting ... but probably looooog gone by now. [Originally uploaded 25th May 2023, reposted 12th September 2023]

STR - Ben looking out

29 Apr 2023 7 3 146
Ben paying great attention to the passing scenery. [He's sitting on my coat !]

whn - pet friendly

27 Apr 2023 1 66
This very welcome change in policy is "Wilkos" in Whitehaven. The town does have a very significant dog-owning section of the resident & visiting populations. . It also means that you don't have to trip over dogs waiting outside !

gct[1] Ben patrolling

16 Apr 2023 50
Ben on the outward route of his lunchtime patrol of the garden.

gct[1] - and back ...

09 Apr 2023 44
And back again - that was either a very short morning walk or a very quick comfort break.

gct[1] - Ben heading out

09 Apr 2023 48
Heading out and up the garden on his morning patrol / comfort break.

172 items in total