BDD - and friend

*R*I*P* BDD : Ben de-Dog

Ben has left to cross the rainbow bridge, just after Noon on the 4th June 2024. The last thing he heard was me telling him what a good lad he was and I was hugging him to the end. His ashes were handed back to us on 12th June 2024.

Please meet the new apprentice [Oct 2011]. Correction. We've decided on a promotion - Ben is now our "Morale Manager" and in charge of keeping everybody happy. As he h…  (read more)

oad - friends

08 Oct 2021 6 1 137
Minstrel moved just as I clicked the shutter, after lying still for ages ... I strongly suspect that Ben had either stuck his nose on, licked or breathed out onto the cat's ear. Whatever had happened, Ben had picked his head up off the cushion ...

shs - soaking wet

20 Jun 2021 3 1 99
Typical Ben showing his credentials as a Lab - soaking wet, almost certainly hungry but also very happy as he has been chasing his stick. . [reposted as a reminder of summer]

shs - shaking off some seawater

20 Jun 2021 76
After several swims, chasing the big stick, Ben has decided a good shake is in order. My shot missed the rainbow he produced.

shs - Ben's big stick

20 Jun 2021 62
Ben's big stick ...

shs - sneaky stick

20 Jun 2021 2 64
Very pleased with himself, but that stick is about to escape !

shs - coming ashore

20 Jun 2021 55
Ben on his way back with the stick, just deep enough for him to enjoy the swimming. [Something he hasn't done for many months]

shs - Ben chasing a stick

20 Jun 2021 62
Ben dashing out to where the stick has landed, the water is almost deep enough for proper swimming. He was really enjoying this ...

rkp - centotaph

27 May 2021 7 6 110
Ben sitting by the Cenotaph, having a breather. [It's hot and he's walked quite a way already for a dog that is getting on a bit]

LTD / BDD - Ben tries the sidecar

13 May 2021 3 83
Ben tries the sidecar for size ...

bwc - mealtime

11 Feb 2021 57
Feeding bwc and Ben de-Dog at the same time, although bwc is having a drink first and his head is in the way so you can't see his food dish. That's very, very dilute milk and water, he doesn't like plain water straight from the tap.

bwc - Ben's finished ...

16 Jan 2021 49
Now, where's that pesky cat ???

BDD - hurry up !

06 Jan 2021 1 1 59
The ground is very cold on ma booty, so get that snap snapped PDQ , pulleezze !

BDD / oad - licks

10 Nov 2020 54
I know a certain Ben de-Dog this would apply to, except he is very sparing with his licks. Only his special people get their ears swiped by his tongue.

oad(g&h) - meeting ...

12 Aug 2020 24
Ben, meeting the new hamster ...

wcl - IDY & Ben [2 of 3]

04 May 2020 72
Relaxing in the sun (the air temp wasn't very high) but Ben *had* to have a swim ...

bal / bdd - Ben ...

08 Sep 2019 17 9 201
Scenery watching with every sign of enjoying himself. He was unhappy on the floor, so he's sitting on the seat, with my coat protecting the seat.

dol / BDD - enjoying the ride

07 Sep 2019 17 6 158
Watching the world go by, out of another carriage window. A ride on the Talyllyn Railway.

DoL / BDD - Douglas

07 Sep 2019 18 3 241
No-one suggested to Ben that he hopped onto the footplate, although he had seen me having a close look. I think that dog had a sense of humour ! it looks as if he is joining in the laughter at his actions. [originally uploaded 12 July 2021]

171 items in total