Chichester West Sussex 6th September 2015

nature & scenery

02 Aug 1982

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169 visits

Kananaskis Seebe Alberta Canada 2nd August 1982

During our Tectonic Seminar field trip we studied outcrops of Upper Cretaceous Cardium Formation sandstone in the Bow River by the Kananaskis Dam (Foothills sub-province). Towering in the background is Mount Yamnuska which is made up of Cambrian limestones carried 20km from the southwest on the McDonnell thrust and faulted over the Upper Cretaceous, marking the eastern boundary of the Rocky Mountain Front Ranges

View on map

27 Apr 1994

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193 visits

Aden Yemen April 1994

Our De Haviland Twin Otter takes off from Aden airport (ex-RAF Khormaksar) en route to Sana'a with Crater in the distance. This view is looking south.

12 May 2021

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150 visits

Harlyn Bay Cornwall 12th May 2021

An evening stroll on the beach at Harlyn Bay near Padstow.

05 Feb 2019

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164 visits

Huddersfield West Yorkshire 5th February 2019

Early morning mist over Lindley & Birkby as seen from Brighouse Road, Ainley Top.

30 May 2021

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146 visits

Manifold Manifold Valley Staffordshire 30th May 2021

Wild garlic carpeting the woodland bank of the River Manifold. The gate and fence are on the trackbed of the former Leek & Manifold Light Railway. HFF & have a great weekend.

26 Aug 2017

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219 visits

Ben Nevis Scotland 26th August 2017

The summit of Ben Nevis is just about free of clouds. Taken from the footplate of 62005 on the Jacobite alongside Loch Eil on our last run of the week. The weather wasn't this fine the rest of the week!

20 Sep 2021

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153 visits

St Mawes Cornwall 20th September 2021

The village of St Mawes & the Percuil river estuary taken from the Tudor St Mawes fortress on the Roseland peninsula.

24 Sep 2021

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220 visits

Polperro Cornwall 24th September 2021

The beautiful little fishing village and harbour of Polperro on the south coast of Cornwall was once a smugglers paradise. HFF & have a great weekend.

30 Sep 2021

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193 visits

Great Central Railway Loughborough Leicestershire 30th September 2021

Caught in the act! It took this squirrel quite a while to decide that we were no threat so he could continue along the parapet of GCR Bridge 334 on Beeches Road to bury his acorn somewhere! It certainly made the wait for 3802 to depart more interesting.
135 items in total