Chichester West Sussex 6th September 2015

nature & scenery

10 Jun 2003

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123 visits

Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park East Java Indonesia July 1981

In 1981 I was working in Medan, North Sumatra but as I was about to transfer to The Hague we decided to take vacation and travel around some other parts of Indonesia before leaving. We had just spent a few days in Yogyakarta and were now flying east to Bali over East Java and the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. The islands of Sumatra and Java lie on a long volcanic arc above a subduction zone where the Indo-Australia plate is moving beneath the Eurasia plate making it very volcanically active.

15 Oct 2020

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162 visits

Vista Point Moccasin California USA 29th October 1978

On our journey from San Francisco to Yosemite National Park we turned off Highway 120 to Vista Point overlooking Woods Creek in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. The car was a rental vehicle. I think it's a 1977 Dodge Aspen 4-door sedan. Can anyone confirm that? HFF & welcome back to Ipernity!

29 Dec 2020

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153 visits

Longnor Staffordshire 29th December 2020

A snowy Peak District landscape looking east from the Buxton-Leek road to Hollinsclough Moor and Longnor. The mini-Matterhorn in the centre is Chrome Hill a Lower Carboniferous limestone reef knoll. HFF and a great & safe weekend.

25 Jan 2021

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189 visits

Aylestone Leicester 25th January 2021

An early morning walk around Aylestone Meadows. HFF and have a great & safe weekend.

01 Feb 2021

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91 visits

Aylestone Leicester 2nd February 2021

Perhaps there is light at the end of the tunnel! Spring shows itself in Leicester.

18 Jan 2020

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142 visits

Inle Shan State Burma 18th January 2020

It may look like a dug-out canoe high and dry in a field but these fields are actually floating on Inle Lake and the boat, like ours, is making its way along a narrow waterway. The fields are anchored into the bottom of the shallow lake by those hundreds of wooden poles. We had a great time in Burma but little did we realise that it would be the last trip before the covid lockdown. Now we are very pleased to have actually been able to take a holiday in 2020. Let's hope the recent military coup doesn't lead to any deaths and can be resolved quickly.

25 Jan 2021

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151 visits

Aylestone Leicester 25th January 2021

A real winter in Leicester this year!

23 Aug 2020

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227 visits

Ogden West Yorkshire 23rd August 2020

A summer morning over West Yorkshire. The view looking Northeast towards Soil Hill from the A629 at Ogden between Halifax & Keighley. HFF & have a great Easter weekend.

03 Apr 2021

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174 visits

Wicken Fen Cambridgeshire 3rd April 2021

Wicken Fen Nature Reserve is a small undrained part of the fenlands north of Cambridge - less than 1% of original fen survives in East Anglia. It was the first nature reserve owned by the National Trust and has been in their care since 1899. In a reversal of the normal situation the Trust has built windmills around the reserve not to drain the fen but to pump water back in so it doesn't dry out.
135 items in total