Chichester West Sussex 6th September 2015

nature & scenery

05 Jun 2022

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128 visits

Nymphenburg Palace Munich Bavaria Germany

Any guesses?

17 Jun 2022

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153 visits

Schwäbische Alb Baden-Württemberg Germany July 1972

We were working in Esslingen again and went for a day trip with Joachem and Hannah to the Schwäbische Alb 50 km to the south of the city. The Jurassic limestones of the Alb typically weather like this with deep valleys and flat-topped peaks. Unfortunately I don't know where this shot was taken. Can anyone identify the Schloss and view? Thanks to Stephan (see below) I now know its Burgruine Hohenurach!

02 Jul 2022

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185 visits

Great Central Railway Swithland Leicestershire 2nd July 2022

As the sun sets, one man and his dog paddle across Swithland reservoir heading for Brazil Island. I'm pretty sure that boating on the res isn't really allowed. This was taken from BR Standard 5 73156 & we were running late returning to Loughborough so didn't hang about.

11 Jul 2022

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170 visits

HFF Bradgate Leicestershire 2nd July 2022

Bradgate Park with Old John on the horizon. Wikipedia tells me :- The area now enclosed as Bradgate Park was one of a number of parks surrounding Charnwood Forest. The manor, along with some 100 others in and around Leicestershire, was awarded to Hugh de Grandmesnil in the eleventh century as reward for his assistance in battle to William I. The first mention of Bradgate Park is from 1241, by which time it was laid out as a hunting park. It was subsequently acquired by the Beaumont family, passing to the de Quincy family and on to William de Ferrers of Groby. It remained in the de Ferrers family until 1445, when it passed to the Grey family who retained it for the next 500 years. In 1928 it was bought by Charles Bennion and given, as a plaque in the park describes, 'to be preserved in its natural state for the quiet enjoyment of the people of Leicestershire'. HFF to everyone & have a great weekend. Stay safe.

09 Nov 2019

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162 visits

Huddersfield Kirklees West Yorkshire 9th November 2019

A West Yorkshire scene taken from New Hey Road at Ainley Top. Huddersfield town centre lies deep in the fog-bound valley to the left. Castle Hill 7 km to the south east stands proud on the skyline.

19 Aug 2022

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189 visits

Lovely light over Leicester 19th August 2022

The heatwave has broken but the weather is still good here in the East Midlands. Today is World Photography Day & this is my early morning contribution.

03 Sep 2022

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131 visits

Knaresborough North Yorkshire 3rd September 2022

The money shot at Knaresborough in North Yorkshire. Taken from the grounds of Knaresborough Castle. Northern Class 170 diesel multiple unit 1704753 on 2C34, the 10.59 Leeds to York service, crosses over the River Nidd viaduct to pass the classic signal box into Knaresborough startion off shot to the right. Best seen large!

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15 Oct 2022

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172 visits

Le Crotoy Hauts-de-France France 15th October 2022

The sea birds vie for space with the kite fliers on the beach. Looking across the wetlands of the Somme estuary to the town of Le Crotoy on the Channel coast. This was taken from the window of the train to St Valery-sur-Somme on the Chemin de Fer de la Baie de Somme. In 1674, under the terms of the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, the castle of Crotoy, dating from 1340, was destroyed so I'm not sure what that Disney-ish castellated building is.

07 Oct 2022

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219 visits

Bollezelle Hauts de France France 7th October 2022

Sunrise over the streets of Bollezeele in northern France.
135 items in total