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By PhLB - Luc Boonen

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The Sunday Challenge = Inversion ----------------------------------------------- Make positive what was negative. I like the concept and I started to play with the idea. With IrfanView I managed to invert blue and green channels only, but not the red channel. Then convert to greyscale and adjust contrast. Now both of the red and white road signs catch the eye, they really represent negative and positive. But I doubt if negative became positive....... -----------------------------------------------

By Gillian Everett

10 favorites


Grevillea TSC Inverted colours

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By Gudrun

35 favorites

Clematis montana (PiP)

The Sunday Challenge (TSC): Inversion I've chosen a mono (tinted) version, inset/ below the original and the colour inversion.

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By autofantasia

52 favorites

Before Your Eyes ...

For this week's Sunday Challenge for which the subject was polka dots . This particular challenge sounded pretty easy at least until I tried to find something that I could shoot which actually had polka dots on it. For a while it looked as if I might need to 'broaden' the definition to include something that say had spots on it like a set of dice or the spots on a ladybird poppy. However, at the last minute my wife dug this old blouse out from the back of the wardrobe and so I was able (for once) to stay within the terms of the actual brief. No doubt now that the challenge is over I'll find loads of suitable photo opportunities that feature polka dots ... such is the life of a "Sunday Challenger" ... groan! Also for Sight and Sound ... how about The Andrews Sisters (before my time - lol) with "Strip Polka" - enjoy: BTW, my Club subscription expired today, which is why most of my images are no longer visible. I've already renewed once at Christophe's increased rates and had hoped by the time that 3 months was up the IMA would be in charge, but alas no. I'm very reluctant to do so again so will probably leave things as they are and keep my fingers crossed that the deal does eventually go through.

Spot on !!

The Sunday Challenge ......Polka-Dots

By autofantasia

32 favorites

Flowers For Church ...

For this week's Sunday Challenge for which the subject was walls . This is a section of the outside wall on St. Andrew's in Starbeck, Harrogate, which had been decorated with hundreds, if not thousands, of these little crocheted flowers as part of this year's Starbeck In Bloom competition. Although I went relatively close so as to also capture the lovely old stonework there were as I've said many, many more of these flowers attached to large areas of the church exterior. And there were similar displays and beautifully crafted flowers attached to several other buildings along the town's High Street as well as to fences and railings. Starbeck in Bloom was formed 19 years ago after a spate of vandalism had reduced morale within the community and a small group of people and businesses got together determined to make improvements in the town. They decided initially to brighten the shopping environment by putting some flowering tubs along the High Street and then they entered the Yorkshire in Bloom gardening competition competing in the Urban Category. Within a couple of years of entering this regional competition they were starting to win awards for their efforts and that success has continued to grow as has support for the initiative. So much so that this year, after many years of winning Gold awards in Yorkshire in Bloom , they were asked to represent Yorkshire by competing within Britain in Bloom , the much respected community gardening competition organised by the Royal Horticultural Society. In addition to the efforts to brighten up the main shopping areas there are a wide range of events held throughout the town and the flowers you see here were created as part of the Starbeck is Special community art project which involved making flowers out of trash to decorate the High Street. Also for Sight and Sound ... how about Peter Gabriel and "Wallflower" - enjoy:

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By Gillian Everett

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TSC Wall

By Shuttering Yukon

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TSC: wall

it's as simple as that, this is my neighbours outside wall. that dark spot is rust where a screw is missing on the siding! I just applied a small vignette and that's it.

By christel.k

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Berg- und Alpenlandschaft

TSC 06.08.17 "landscape colour green"; Blick von der Aussichtsterrasse "Walmendingerhorn" (1940 m) in das Kleinwalsertal mit dem Ort "Baad", im Hintergrund sind die Allgäuer Alpen zu sehen; an unserem letzten Urlaubstag hatten wir Glück mit dem Wetter und der Aussicht! View from the viewing terrace "Walmendingerhorn" (1940 m) into the Kleinwalsertal with the place "Baad", in the background are the Allgäu Alps; On our last holiday we were lucky with the weather and the view! Theme of the Week, Thème du 23 au 29 juillet 2018: la montagne en été / montain in summer
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