Shuttering Yukon's favorite photos

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By Shuttering Yukon

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TSC: transition

This is pretty much self explanatory, transition into fall/winter. It was dull and drizzly and I can't believe that still lake. The green colour has never shown itself like that before. Even a lady walking her dog stopped to comment on it. This lake is right in the city so it's easy access. It's a place I go all the time.. it's beautiful at any time of the year.. this day there was one other person there and the loons talking, fish jumping.. it was amazing still and quiet. Alternate shot here: and in the NOT group How do I put a pic in the first comment, I have a free account?

By Indycaver (Norm)

21 favorites

Is This Seat Taken?

Chairs in a meeting room in the Saint Meinrad Archabbey in Saint Meinrad, Indiana.

View on map

By autofantasia

83 favorites

It's Like Thunder ...

For this week's Sunday Challenge which had the very interesting theme of repeating patterns or items . When it came to getting some suitable shots I decided to go to Sam Turner's in Northallerton and have a wander around their yard to look for likely subjects. Sammy's, as it's fondly referred to by locals, offers a wide range of clothing, footwear, garden products, equestrian and farm supplies to both farmers and the general public alike. And as I suspected there were lots of interesting things to photograph, so much so that I spent about an hour wandering around and best of all not once did someone come up and say "what are you doing" - lol! Anyway, the shot I've decided to go with shows sections of ready made rounded timber Palisade fencing, often referred to as picket fencing, which was piled up ready for sale. Also for another of the best groups on ipernity, Sight and Sound ... it just had to be Amii Stewart with "Knock On Wood" - enjoy: Official Video Live Midnight Special 1979 French TV And just in case anyone is wondering if the lady still has it, check out this live performance from just a couple of years ago: Live in Ragusa 2015

By Amelia

36 favorites


For The Sunday Challenge this wee: Repeating patterns anywhere you find them, closet, kitchen, power-lines, whatever!

Step in the right direction !!

The Sunday Challenge .......Repeating patterns & Items ... Press Z or click image for large

By Amelia

21 favorites


This week's Sunday challenge is metal. A couple of coloured washing up cloths underneath the brushed stainless steel kettle and wearing a purple fleece was all it took.

By christel.k

12 favorites


wenn auch sonst an den neuen Nähmaschinen fast alles aus Kunststoff ist, die Kapsel ist immer noch aus Metall ;-); TSC 03.09.17 metal - rusty - shiny - whatever - just metal Leider konnte ich mich mal wieder nicht entscheiden ... Zuerst habe ich auf der Terrasse eines Restaurants eine Metalllampe fotografiert ; an einem anderen Tag den Kirchturm der Nikolaikirche in Lüneburg, leider konnte ich da keine Makroaufnahme vornehmen ;-), aber bis auf den Himmel ist wirklich alles aus Metall; zuletzt habe ich heute noch die Spulenkapsel meiner Nähmaschine fotografiert und so bearbeitet (Vignettierung), dass nur die Kapsel ins Auge springt, lol, die Übersetzung ist lustig! Unfortunately, I could not decide again ... First I photographed a metal lamp on the terrace of a restaurant; on another day the church tower of the Nikolaikirche in Lüneburg, unfortunately I could not make a macro shot ;-), but up to the sky is really everything from metal; lastly I still photographed today the winding cap of my sewing machine and so worked (vignetting) that only the capsule in the eye jumps, lol, the translation is funny!

By Shuttering Yukon

9 favorites

TSC: metal

this is a fairly large metal lawn ornament. This dudes been covering up the access pipes for our pump out on the septic system for years.

Hands Up !!......if you are Guilty ?

The Sunday challenge......Kitsch... This my own interpretation of Kitsch !! These hands were in a shop window display,.....I have put the original into the NTSG group, as I can't do PIPs at the moment. The hands are for putting your rings on ....
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