The only time I look tall and slim, ha

Carburn Park

20 Mar 2007

100 visits

A winter's walk

Another view taken on my walk at Carburn Park a couple of mornings ago. The bushes, cattails and Crack Willow trees gave a look of fall, but the falling snow definitely reminded us that it is still winter.

22 Apr 2008

102 visits

Red-tailed Hawk

A really poor photo and heavily cropped! However, it does show the red tail and the underwing markings of this Red-tailed Hawk. Seen at Carburn Park on Tuesday. "Red-tailed Hawks are the most commonly seen hawks in Alberta, especially in the aspen parkland." It's piercing call is a "powerful, descending scream." From Birds of Alberta by Fisher and Acorn. Very common from April to October.

01 Jul 2008

110 visits

Clearwing Moth

Happened to notice this rather damaged Clearwing Moth on a walk at Carburn Park yesterday evening. I so rarely see one of these moths, so I was thrilled to see this one. Always makes me wonder how an insect manages to fly with part of one wing missing.

09 May 2009

109 visits

Yeah - a mushroom

This mushroom, growing fairly high up on a tree, was pointed out to me on a walk at Carburn Park this morning. The stalk looked reasonably "fresh" to me (though I know nothing when it comes to fungi) but surely it must be an old mushroom? New or old or very old, I was thrilled to finally see a mushroom after suffering mushroom withdrawal symptoms for many months. I like the pattern on the stalk.

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11 Dec 2010

135 visits

Barrow's Goldeneye / Bucephala islandica

A very distant and and "cropped to almost nothing" shot of two male Barrow's Goldeneye : ) Normally, I don't bother to try and get a photo of this species because the ducks are always on the far side of the Bow River. However, last Saturday, on a walk at Carburn Park, these were just out from the far bank. I don't have a photo of this species in my Birds of Alberta Set, so wanted to add this one. Just something else for those of you who are not birders - watch out for these white crescents : )

26 Jul 2007

107 visits


I'm posting too many Hound's-tongue photos but they are one of my favourite wildflowers, despite being an introduced species from Europe.

08 Oct 2007

89 visits

Carburn Park in fall

Just one of the many beautiful sights I have been lucky enough to see this fall. This was taken down at Carburn Park.

09 May 2009

151 visits

Like searching for Waldo

Well, maybe not quite, LOL, but I'm not too likely to ever get a close shot of one of these pretty little White-crowned Sparrows. I just thought this little one made a cheery, spring photo, despite being such a distant shot (definitely not the kind of photo I like taking!). This one was perched along the bank of the Bow River at Carburn Park this morning. I had wanted to go searching for a Mountain Bluebird afterwards, but - it rained and hailed : )

10 Nov 2009

120 visits

Looking good

I'm not seeing all that many birds recently, and those that I do see are very distant. So, the other morning, I photographed a Mallard : ) At least SHE came close enough, LOL. Thought she looked pretty in the sunlight and with her reflection. Seen down at Carburn Park.
241 items in total