The only time I look tall and slim, ha

Carburn Park

22 May 2007

141 visits

Like father, like son

Or Like mother, like daughter!

30 Sep 2008

86 visits

Pileated treat

Definitely far from great, but I am posting this for any friends who were walking with me yesterday and saw this huge Woodpecker. I could have posted a better photo taken at a different time, but that's not the same as looking at the actual bird you saw yourself. Thanks, Tony, for finding lots of birds for us : )

14 Nov 2009

87 visits

What you do when there are no birds around

Some days, there are just no birds around, certainly none that are remotely within camera distance. Taken on a cold walk along the Bow River at Carburn Park on 14th November 2009. Still digging deep into my archives : ) I wasn't too happy to find a new problem on my computer yesterday, when I went to put it on Standby. A message appeared, saying that "The service "Print Spooler" is preventing the machine from entering Standby. Try stopping this service and try again." Well, I certainly didn't have a clue what a Print Spooler was, or why this had suddenly happened, so off to Google to try and find out what to do! Eventually, I fixed it, hoping that nothing else goes wrong, especially until I have finished copying all my e-mails so that my infected Outlook Express Inbox can be "rebuilt"(?).

22 May 2007

122 visits

Dare to be different

A photo from back in May. This little guy amused me because all the others were facing one direction and he was different.

20 Mar 2007

84 visits

Crack Willow

The colours of these trees, bushes and cattails on my walk yesterday morning were so beautiful. The trees are called Crack Willows. It snowed - again!

26 Apr 2008

126 visits

Like peas in a pod

We were treated to these little 1-2-day-old Canada Goose goslings this morning. I never fail to marvel at how much they can do when they have only been in this world 24-48 hours!!

04 Dec 2007

114 visits

Our weather

This is where we went for a walk yesterday, to see what birds we could find. A single Killdeer was down by the creek. It makes you feel even colder when you see the dozens/hundreds of ducks and Canada Geese on the partly frozen Bow River. A juvenile Bald Eagle circled low over us, which was pretty spectacular. Sometimes in these very low temperatures, the thought of having to remove your glove to take a photo is just too much!

01 May 2007

119 visits

My first gosling of the year

Saw my very first Canada Goose gosling yesterday morning when I managed to go on a walk in a local park. Mum and Dad were lying on the bank next to a lagoon. Dad got up and started to swim and then Mum got up to follow - and there was the little yellow ball of fluff that had been sheltered under her warm body. What a thrill to see this little one-day old cutie!

15 May 2007

89 visits

Glassy reflection

Hardly a ripple to be seen on the lagoon at Carburn Park yesterday morning. I always like seeing the reflections of the trees at this place.
241 items in total