"Cattle drive"

Odds & ends

04 Jun 2005

112 visits

All in a day's fun

The things one goes through in the pursuit of that wanted/hoped-for photograph!

08 Jun 2005

112 visits


This little guy at the Pasu Farm, Alberta, looks almost as if he is contemplating a headbutt!

01 Nov 2005

107 visits

Happy Halloween

For those of you who "celebrate" Halloween, I wish you a Happy Halloween. It has become a huge holiday in Canada, with little ghosts and goblins, witches, Superman, fairies, pumpkins and the rest, everywhere! I think fewer and fewer children go from house to house hoping for candy, as there are now special Halloween events held in shopping malls, Community Centres and the like. This, by the way, is a photo taken by my son and family of their front garden last year. My son always did have a great imagination and is very artistic and creative. Even one of his hobbies comes in useful for this - woodwork.

22 Oct 2006

91 visits

A slow birding day

After a bird walk that resulted in not a single bird photo, I decided to shoot the circular disks on a power line! Not sure what you call them.

08 Nov 2006

80 visits

Frozen droplet

Wasn't sure whether to post this, but I can always delete it if I change my mind. Took this last weekend, when there was black ice everywhere. Made for a treacherous walk.

10 Dec 2006

96 visits

Roof with a difference

The walk this morning took us past the Talisman Centre in Calgary. This is a huge sports centre with an interesting roof.

01 Dec 2006

107 visits


I accidentally lost all my descriptions for these six photos so must now start all over again! This is just one of the many, many lights at tthe Calgary Zoo. Each year, at this time, a huge amount of work must go into creating endless light displays, including in the shape of Zoo animals. Makes a most enjoyable stroll through the grounds.

10 Dec 2006

83 visits

Talisman Centre

Quite an attractive corner of the Talisman Centre, a huge sports centre in Calgary. For some reason, the deep blue sky came out white in this photo!

16 Dec 2006

99 visits

Happy Christmas, everyone!

Now, what else would you expect me to use other than BIRDS, LOL?!! These feathered friends join me in wishing each one of you Flickr Friends a very Happy Christmas and all the very best in the New Year! A special wish for those of you who may spend the holiday on your own - if so, perhaps you could go for a walk or a drive and take a special photo to post for me? My thanks to all my loyal Flickr visitors and to those of you who have taken a look at one or more of my photos at some time. Your interest keeps my enthusiasm alive and I have learned all sorts of things from seeing the stunning photos that you post. I'm really looking forward to sharing 2007 with you all. Have a happy, healthy, safe and peaceful time! HAPPY CHRISTMAS! Anne
697 items in total