"Cattle drive"

Odds & ends

02 Apr 2007

92 visits


This is kind of fun to view at large size, LOL! I went to grab a banana from a bunch I bought the other day. When I bent down, I thought I could see what looked like spider legs sticking out from near the stalk. I carefully tipped the bunch - and THIS is what fell out!!!! Thank goodness it was dead! Is it a cockroach of some kind? Thank you Safeway (in Calgary, Alberta), LOL!

27 Sep 2007

89 visits

50,000 views - thank you all so much!

Wow - amazing when I think just how many 50,000 really is! Thank you all so much for visiting my photostream and letting me share some of the many beautiful things I come across in my little corner of the world!

14 Mar 2007

100 visits

20,115 Thank You's!!!!

I have 20,115 Thank You's to shout this morning! Also have a good many apologies to embarrassingly whisper, for not commenting anywhere near as much as I would like to and should. Thank you all SO MUCH for being such faithful visitors and friends - when I received my very first comment, I never dreamed that I would ever see 20,000 views in small print at the top of my page. I appreciate your kindness (and patience when my photos left a lot to be desired!) SOOO much!!! Thank you, MAMA Z, for telling me how to do a screen shot!

27 Feb 2008

97 visits


Just managed a very quick shot through the bus window yesterday, after travelling to and from the Boundary Ranch in Kananaskis, west of Calgary.

16 Dec 2007

86 visits

Looking in to the outside

This was such a beautiful sight to walk past, back around mid-December. A long, low wall of windows down at Lindsay Park (the Talisman Centre).

14 Mar 2008

90 visits

THANK YOU x 75,000!!!!

Just amazes me how many times you VERY generous people have visited my photos. I appreciate it so much that you let me share the beautiful things in nature that I come across in my little corner of the world! Apologies, as always, for not being able to visit and comment a LOT more than I do!

27 Feb 2008

91 visits

Beauty of a leaky gutter

Nothing spectacular - just messing around with my camera whilst on a day outing to the Boundary Ranch in Kananaskis, near the end of February. OK, some people might say I'm weird : )

10 Apr 2008

111 visits

Well, hello again, winter

Within the past week, my car has been washed twice, first by me and then I got a free car wash and a beautiful waxing when I took my 9-year-old vehicle for an oil change. Apologies to my oldest daughter for making it snow because of my actions, LOL! I always get an e-mail when it snows, with the subject line of: "Did you wash the car??"

19 May 2008

93 visits

Rings around the rushes

I liked the small, black circles that ringed some of these dried rushes at the water's surface, at Frank Lake.
697 items in total