Anne Elliott's photos

20 Sep 2004

102 visits

Ink cap fungus

Noticed this beauty along the bank of a small creek in a local park. It was all alone, close to some exposed tree roots.

09 Jun 2006

82 visits

Golf, anyone?

Amazing the pattern deep inside a Dandelion when you actually stop to have a close look! Reminds me of a golf ball!

06 Aug 2005

94 visits

Horse Fly

Not a very good photo but I couldn't get over the eyes on this Horse Fly. Talk about designer sunglasses!

16 Dec 2004

100 visits

Chinook Arch

This is part of a Chinook Arch that Calgary is famous for. We welcome the change in weather that these arches bring - usually somewhat windy and warmer and in winter the Chinook wind brings warmer temperatures that melt the snow and ice. Not good news, though, for Migraine sufferers!

01 Sep 2005

129 visits

Bighorn Mountain Sheep

We encountered this 10-year-old Mountain Sheep on Highway 40, going through Kananaskis. It was very unsteady on its feet, and we were concerned that it might get hit by some vehicle coming round the corner. A ranger happened to come by and she told us that she knew about this particular animal. The average life-span is 7-8 years.

20 Sep 2006

126 visits

Sunset over the Rockies

I used the full 10x zoom on my little Olympus C750 to get as close as possible to this gorgeous sky. I watched the tail end of the sunset from North Glenmore Park, Calgary, and enjoyed seeing the distant peaks of the Rocky Mountains silhouetted by such a bright sky. I believe this photo was taken in November 2005.

08 Nov 2005

117 visits


This single rose hip was begging to be photographed!

02 Jan 2006

86 visits

Prairie sky

This was taken on 2nd January 2006 near Nanton, south of Calgary, Alberta.

26 Dec 2005

97 visits

Winter Sunset

Sunset seen from the Cochrane Reserve, north west of Calgary. This was taken during an annual Bird Count on Boxing Day, 26th December 2005.
18528 items in total