Anne Elliott's photos

10 Sep 2006

78 visits

Rocky Mountain Sunset

I zoomed in to the Rocky Mountains from the top of Weaselhead to catch this orange glow.

18 Feb 2005

84 visits

Black-capped Chickadee

A close-up of one of my favourite little birds. They work so hard, and constantly, finding seeds during the winter, so the very occasional seed from the hand really doesn't make that much difference.

10 Sep 2006

130 visits

Ornamental Cabbage

Saw this Ornamental Cabbage in the rather fine gardens at Fort Calgary. They also have a wildflower garden next to their cultiavted garden.

23 Sep 2006

118 visits


Another find at the Fort Calgary gardens. I was fascinated by the opening flower of this Zucchini - some interesting patterns and texture, not to mention colour.

14 May 2004

77 visits

Yellow-headed Blackbird

Heavily cropped image of a very striking bird seen amongst the cattails in a local park.

13 Jun 2005

91 visits

Mr and Mrs Bluebird

The vibrant blue colour of these small birds is almost unreal. Seeing them for the first time after a long, cold winter takes ones breath away. They are very active, so I never find it easy to get even a distant photo of them. Was lucky to get both a female (top) along with a male (bottom) at the same time.

03 Mar 2005

95 visits

Common Redpoll

These little birds visit Alberta in winter time, in varying numbers, depending on the year. I saw this female in Weaselhead in March 2005 and this is the only time I have ever seen any Common Redpolls. The male's breast is often pinkish.

12 Aug 2006

104 visits


The "usual" photo of this common damselfly! However, I never tire of seeing that brilliant blue when out on a walk - and those eyes!

10 Sep 2004

113 visits

Ink cap

Often seen along roadsides and other grassy places, these attractive ink caps gradually expand, turn black and liquefy.
18528 items in total