Anne Elliott's photos

24 Sep 2004

110 visits

Sunset at Votier's Flats

19 Jun 2004

124 visits


Quite awe-inspiring to zoom in on the sculptures of Mother Nature!

21 Jul 2004

121 visits

Garden lily

A flower from my garden to share with you.

27 Sep 2004

129 visits

Weaselhead in fall

This is a huge park in Calgary, stretching west from the western end of the Glenmore Reservoir.

11 Mar 2005

78 visits

The Storm

The lighting was quite unusual when I was out on this walk. The darker the storm clouds grew, the lighter the trees became. Quite spectacular.

03 Feb 2005

2 favorites


137 visits

Red-breasted Nuthatch

One of my favourite small birds, taken on a cold February day. 2008: It is now illegal to feed the wildlife in the park.

21 Sep 2006

1 favorite

1 comment

105 visits

Dragonflies mating

I think these are perhaps Black Meadowhawk dragonflies, seen in Weaselhead. That's quite a head-hold!

23 Feb 2005

110 visits

Inner Beauty

The beauty that we miss when we don't really LOOK.

16 Apr 2004

149 visits


Such elegance!
18528 items in total