" Chatedral in the desert"


In Jerash.

11 Oct 2019 111 63 724
Hugs and HANWE. Stil working abroad ********************************************** www.theguardian.com/world/2019/nov/06/jordan-attack-foreign-tourists-among-several-stabbed-in-jerash

Discovering new oceans.

09 Sep 2019 127 82 1149
“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Andre Gide ******************************************* I will be inconstantly present, till the end of the month, working abroad. Hugs and stay well:) AM

Happy summertime:)

21 Jun 2019 103 74 1521
Yes, it's time again. Summer is here. ( my first summer as a retired worker:) I will be from now on very inconstant here on Ipernity, first traveling, then sea vacations with my grandchildren, followed by a period of umbrian countryside and Alps, my homeland, for some trekking. I will visit you as much as I can ( and will miss you). I wish you a great SUMMER time and all the best.HUGS (credit to Leopoldo)

After the spring rain, sun.

12 May 2019 116 108 1472
With this image i say good bye for a while; leaving for a short vacation, Cyprus. STAY WELL. HFF also ************************************************* "Thanks for all” Expressing my gratitude to blossoms At the parting. ( Matsuo Basho)

Tender touch.

14 Sep 2018 109 79 1108
.......from a granmother to her first-born gran child. Happy BD Carlo:) my sweetheart.

Light spot.

09 Apr 2019 99 75 801
HFF. Happy weekend:)

Spring in Ischia.

03 May 2019 120 83 1285
Wish you all a marvelous HFF and weekend:)

Une hirondelle.

14 Apr 2019 111 79 924
A little swallow found in the grass... we freed her.......she flew away:) HAPPY PALM SUNDAY.


07 Sep 2018 103 66 898
The hornbills (Bucerotidae) are a family of bird found in tropical and subtropical Africa, Asia and Melanesia. They are characterized by a long, down-curved bill which is frequently brightly colored and sometimes has a casque on the upper mandible. Both the common English and the scientific name of the family refer to the shape of the bill, "buceros" being "cow horn" in Greek

LoVe is......

09 Sep 2018 117 70 1069
.............. looking in the same direction. HAPPY VALENTINE's:)

The visitor.

14 Sep 2018 70 47 629
....very near to our camp, quietly grazing:)

Open air kitchen.

05 Sep 2018 106 54 1255
Thanks for beeing in Ambassador pictures! HFF and happy happy weekend:) ********************************************** The primary reason to visit Tsumkwe is the fact that the area is inhabited by the bushman people. The Living Museum at Grashoek village offers the opportunity to meet traditionally dressed Ju/Hoansi San people, the center also offers demonstrations of the bushman culture and survival techniques such as using a bow and arrow, a digging stick and generations of accumulated knowledge.

Ju/Hoansi San people.

05 Sep 2018 100 56 1431
[taken with permission] The Bushmen established the Nyae Nyae Conservancy, a game reserve of about 30 x 35 km around a pan (Nyae Nyae Pan), which turns into a lake after good rainfalls. In this regoin the Bushmen can be seen in their natural habitation and one can even partake in a hunt or a nature walk. It is estimated today that about 30,000 San are living in Namibia, of which about 2,000 still have a traditional way of live.

Baines Baobabs.

12 Sep 2018 104 65 1209
HAPPY NEW WEEK:) The cluster of millennia-old baobab trees in the Nxai Pan National Park in Botswana owes its name to the man known to have discovered them. Thomas Baines, artist and fellow explorer to John Chapman, captured in paint the scene in 1862 on a trip through the expansive salt pans, en route to the Victoria Falls. Baines’ Baobabs, as they are known today, are a sight sought by many travellers venturing into the untamed terrain of Botswana.

Upside down:)

10 Sep 2018 103 69 900
Upside Down Stories Legends abound as to why the tree looks like it has been stuck upside down into the ground. One story goes that the god Thora did not like the baobab growing in his garden, so he plucked it out and threw it out over the wall of Paradise. It fell on the Earth below, landing upside down and simply continued to grow.

Vita mortuorum in memoria est posita vivorum.

17 Oct 2018 148 95 1964
IN MEMORY of my beloved all. *********************************** Vita mortuorum in memoria est posita vivorum. "The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living." La vita dei morti sta nella memoria dei vivi. (Marco Tullio Cicerone)

Along the river.

02 Sep 2018 117 58 935
The Okavango River is a river in southwest Africa. It is the fourth-longest river system in southern Africa, running southeastward for 1,600 km (990 mi). It begins in Angola, where it is known by the Portuguese name Rio Cubango. Further south, it forms part of the border between Angola and Namibia, and then flows into Botswana, draining into the Moremi Game Reserve.

Baobab sunset:)

10 Sep 2018 105 67 1552
Wish you a most happy weekend. Love AM

265 items in total