Two Railion engines pulling a heavy coal train

Vienna 2008

A trip (by train) to Vienna. "I never knew the old Vienna before the war with its Strauss music, its glamour and easy charm." My movies of Vienna: Messages in the U-bahn v.2. Messages in the U-bahn Schottenkirche W115 taxi Trams & U-bahn

¼ Gansl

15 Nov 2008 98
¼ goose

Schloss Schönbrunn

15 Nov 2008 101
In German you are in mortal danger, in English it is just dangerous.

Funky men from the 1970s go to the right

Schloss Schönbrunn

Schloss Schönbrunn

Verbs: to look

Schloss Schönbrunn

Duck at Schloss Schönbrunn

Tram without a carriage

Tram shed

Tram shed

Set of points

Tram shed

Old steam train outside the Museum of Technology

The latest in engine design

15 Nov 2008 117
In the Museum for Technology

Climbing engines

15 Nov 2008 137
In the Museum for Technology

1924 Steyr Typ V 12/40 HP Sport Double Phaeton - d…

15 Nov 2008 229
In the Museum for Technology

1924 Steyr Typ V 12/40 HP Sport Double Phaeton

15 Nov 2008 305
In the Museum for Technology

514 items in total