Two Railion engines pulling a heavy coal train

Vienna 2008

A trip (by train) to Vienna. "I never knew the old Vienna before the war with its Strauss music, its glamour and easy charm." My movies of Vienna: Messages in the U-bahn v.2. Messages in the U-bahn Schottenkirche W115 taxi Trams & U-bahn

Old rusty sign warning that the road will not be t…

Heeresgeschichtliches Museum – Entrance

16 Nov 2008 144
The Austrian Army Museum. Housed in a marvellous dedicated building.

Drain cover of the Akt.-Ges. Waagner, Biro, Kurz –…

16 Nov 2008 168
The Viennese drain covers are fairly standardised, but sometimes you see a special or an old one.

Heeresgeschichtliches Museum

16 Nov 2008 98
The Austrian Army Museum. Housed in a marvellous dedicated building.

Heeresgeschichtliches Museum – Foto-erlaubnis

16 Nov 2008 92
You had to buy a permission to take pictures. The Austrian Army Museum. Housed in a marvellous dedicated building.

Heeresgeschichtliches Museum – Today Red, Tomorrow…

16 Nov 2008 105
From the time after the First World War and the first Austrian Republic. Radical times with dramatic elections ending in civil war and nazi rule. The Austrian Army Museum. Housed in a marvellous dedicated building.

Heeresgeschichtliches Museum – A collection of Naz…

16 Nov 2008 111
The Austrian Army Museum. Housed in a marvellous dedicated building.

Heeresgeschichtliches Museum – Nazi posters from t…

16 Nov 2008 92
This poster talks of a speech by Hitler on September 30, 1942, where he claimed that Churchill invented the bombing of civilians in May 1940. May 1940 was also the month that the Germans bombed Rotterdam to ruins. The bombings of Germany did nothing to break the German spirit however. Yesterday on German (or perhaps Austrian) television a German historian kindly explained that the Allied bombings weren't war crimes, because they weren't any specific rules about it. The Austrian Army Museum. Housed in a marvellous dedicated building.

Heeresgeschichtliches Museum – Nazi posters from t…

16 Nov 2008 88
This poster claims that the Flying Fortresses were in fact Flying Coffins, because the German air defence shot them down regularly. In October alone (no year given) already 540 of them. The Austrian Army Museum. Housed in a marvellous dedicated building.

Heeresgeschichtliches Museum – Nazi posters from t…

16 Nov 2008 71
Anti-semitic poster claiming that the British, Americans and Russians were all used by the Jews to fight the war. The Austrian Army Museum. Housed in a marvellous dedicated building.

Heeresgeschichtliches Museum – Nazi posters from t…

16 Nov 2008 99
This poster shows the V1 rocket attacks on England, as revenge for the "bombing murder" on Europe. The Austrian Army Museum. Housed in a marvellous dedicated building.

Heeresgeschichtliches Museum – Anti-tank object

16 Nov 2008 101
A nice thing to have in your garden, certainly if you have trouble with tanks running over the lawn. The Austrian Army Museum. Housed in a marvellous dedicated building.

Heeresgeschichtliches Museum – Austria-Hungary had…

16 Nov 2008 94
The sixth biggest in the world. The Austrian Army Museum. Housed in a marvellous dedicated building.

Heeresgeschichtliches Museum – International truck

16 Nov 2008 137
The Austrian Army Museum. Housed in a marvellous dedicated building.

Heeresgeschichtliches Museum – The car that starte…

16 Nov 2008 134
Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot in this car by Gavrilo Princip. I didn't know the car still existed. A real historic experience. The car is a Gräf & Stift with a double phaeton body. It is powered by a 4 cylinder engine with 32 HP. The car belonged to Franz Graf Harrach. The Austrian Army Museum. Housed in a marvellous dedicated building.

Heeresgeschichtliches Museum – The murderer of Fra…

16 Nov 2008 145
The Austrian Army Museum. Housed in a marvellous dedicated building.

Heeresgeschichtliches Museum – The clothes of Fran…

16 Nov 2008 375
With the bullet hole and the blood. Very eerie. The Austrian Army Museum. Housed in a marvellous dedicated building.

Heeresgeschichtliches Museum – Bullet hole in the…

16 Nov 2008 373
The Austrian Army Museum. Housed in a marvellous dedicated building.

514 items in total