Kiev: Plaque to commemorate Karl Liebknecht


Haarlemsche Brood & Meel Fabriek

13 Apr 2014 4 260
This Bread and Flour Factory dates from 1875. It has been a printer from 1946 and an apartment building from 1990.

Aan deze deur wordt niks gegeven of gekocht

13 Apr 2014 2 156
En bekeerd? zijn we ook al. Dank u. Nothing is given or bought at this door. And we are already converted. Thank you.

Perolin company

13 Apr 2014 5 366
Once a big company selling a variety of things, such as shoe polish, copper polish, sweeping powder, cutlery, plates and such like to hotels and large institutions, but also to rich individuals. A narrow-gauge railway ran through this door in the olden days. Today the Perolin company still exists, but a lot smaller. The building was converted into apartments in 1990.

Alles wordt uitgezocht Door Spaarnelanden

13 Apr 2014 198
Everything will be investigated by Spaarnelanden.

Ingang van't Gesticht van Dirck van Baekenes voor…

13 Apr 2014 1 265
Gable stone above an entrance. More info:

Mr. Stick signals to be run over

13 Apr 2014 1 5 165
And he has a relationship with a black monolith.

Gebouw Zang en Vriendschap

13 Apr 2014 131
Building Song and Friendship


13 Apr 2014 5 173
Some streets have strange names, in The Hague Apendans and in Haarlem for instance Raaks and here, Anegang. Anegang probably meant "connecting road", but other etymologies exist.

Old Michelin map of France

03 May 2014 1 6 255
When there was only one highway in France, from Paris to the south.

Freedom and flexibility are the order of the day!

The Law applies on this private terrain

03 May 2014 236
Op dit eigen terrein gelden de bepalingen van de Wegenverkeerswet en van het Reglement verkeersregels en verkeerstekens

Verboden aan te plakken

06 May 2014 143
No bill posting

Advised speed 50 km/h, speed limit 30 km/h

Er is weer verse soep!

12 May 2014 2 166
Fresh soup is available again!

Forgotten election poster for the local elections

12 May 2014 155
After losing many seats in the local elections, the fresh leader Pieter Hilhorst of the socialists in Amsterdam resigned.

Maximum height 2.25 metre

15 May 2014 2 154
There is an exception for traffic that has to be there, than you can try and fit your high truck through the gate.

Dordt in Stoom 2014 – Mr. Black is not allowed to…

24 May 2014 210
See also the movies I made of the steam festival Dordt in Stoom: Fleet parade: Steam tugs: Steam locomotives: Steam engines: Steam grain elevator:

899 items in total