Penny Richards' photos

Pandemic chalk: Sarcophagus 4

11 Oct 2021 44
For October 2021, we had an Egyptian sarcophagus drawn on the walk in front of our house. Three times, because it was washed by rain twice.

Pandemic chalk: Sarcophagus 3

10 Oct 2021 38
For October 2021, we had an Egyptian sarcophagus drawn on the walk in front of our house. Three times, because it was washed by rain twice.

Pandemic chalk: Sarcophagus 2

10 Oct 2021 41
For October 2021, we had an Egyptian sarcophagus drawn on the walk in front of our house. Three times, because it was washed by rain twice.

Pandemic chalk: Sarcophagus 1

09 Oct 2021 48
For October 2021, we had an Egyptian sarcophagus drawn on the walk in front of our house. Three times, because it was washed by rain twice.

Pandemic chalk: The Lady & The Unicorn 6

18 Sep 2021 3 1 61
In September 2021, our front walk featured a chalk drawing based on the Lady and the Unicorn tapestries at the Musée Cluny in Paris.

Pandemic chalk: The Lady & The Unicorn 5

28 Sep 2021 1 50
In September 2021, our front walk featured a chalk drawing based on the Lady and the Unicorn tapestries at the Musée Cluny in Paris. One day I added a banner wishing a friend happy birthday in Latin...

Pandemic chalk: The Lady & The Unicorn 4

17 Sep 2021 1 49
In September 2021, our front walk featured a chalk drawing based on the Lady and the Unicorn tapestries at the Musée Cluny in Paris.

Pandemic chalk: The Lady & The Unicorn 3

15 Sep 2021 42
In September 2021, our front walk featured a chalk drawing based on the Lady and the Unicorn tapestries at the Musée Cluny in Paris.

Pandemic chalk: The Lady & The Unicorn 2

12 Sep 2021 48
In September 2021, our front walk featured a chalk drawing based on the Lady and the Unicorn tapestries at the Musée Cluny in Paris.

Pandemic chalk: The Lady & The Unicorn 1

12 Sep 2021 42
In September 2021, our front walk featured a chalk drawing based on the Lady and the Unicorn tapestries at the Musée Cluny in Paris.

Pandemic chalk: Colorful bugs

11 Jul 2021 2 1 52
For a little while in the summer of 2021, our walk had a pair of giant colorful bugs.

Pandemic chalk: Colorful grid 2

23 Aug 2021 49
The colorful grid featured a kiwi, an orange, a lemon, a watermelon, and a blue planet.

Pandemic chalk: Colorful grid 1

23 Aug 2021 49
The colorful grid featured a kiwi, an orange, a lemon, a watermelon, and a blue planet.

Pandemic chalk: San Sebastian 4

17 Aug 2021 44
In summer 2021, one of our chalk drawings was based on a portrait of the actress Ina Rubinstein, as Saint Sebastian in 1911. The next square began a wavy grid.

Pandemic chalk: San Sebastian 3

02 Aug 2021 1 46
In summer 2021, one of our chalk drawings was based on a portrait of the actress Ina Rubinstein, as Saint Sebastian in 1911.

Pandemic chalk: San Sebastian 2

02 Aug 2021 48
In summer 2021, one of our chalk drawings was based on a portrait of the actress Ina Rubinstein, as Saint Sebastian in 1911.

Pandemic chalk: San Sebastian 1

29 Jul 2021 1 44
In summer 2021, one of our chalk drawings was based on a portrait of the actress Ina Rubinstein, as Saint Sebastian in 1911.

Pandemic chalk: Sea Turtle 2

29 Jan 2022 2 2 53
A sea turtle was swimming in our sidewalk last summer.

3178 items in total