Leon_Vienna's photos

Wohin? Where to?

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Wohin? Where to?

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Wohin? Where to?

Rivers Flow - for Marta and Andy

30 Jul 2023 16 10 108
Little I was around here during last months and year. When I had a look on ipernity again, I had to learn that Andy Rodker did die some days ago and Marta Wojtkowska passed away already nine month ago. With both of them I used to have good contacts over years, and in that moment in August, I lost two most beloved photographer-friends. The night after, I created the above picture. Finding my words took longer time. Andy was an enthusiastic and gifted landscape photographer, Marta loved monochrome photography and enjoyed experimenting with pinhole shots. In great appreciation, I dedicate this image to both of them.

Granite for Andy - And a dull day

02 Aug 2023 15 3 118
A tribute to Andy Rodker +August 2023

"Without you ..."

07 Jun 2015 20 5 219
Навіть крізь непроглядну темряву Україна й цивілізований світ чітко бачать ці терористичні акти. Навмисні й цинічні ракетні удари по цивільній критичній інфраструктурі. Жодних військових об'єктів. Знеструмлені Харківська та Донецька області. У Запорізькій, Дніпропетровській, Сумській – часткові проблеми з живленням. Ви досі думаєте, що ми «адін народ»? Ви досі думаєте, що зможете нас налякати, зламати, схилити до поступок? Ви справді так нічого й не зрозуміли? Не зрозуміли, хто ми? За що ми? Про що ми? Читайте по губах: Без газу чи без вас? Без вас. Без світла чи без вас? Без вас. Без води чи без вас? Без вас. Без їжі чи без вас? Без вас. Холод, голод, темрява й спрага – для нас не так страшно й смертельно, як ваші «дружба й братерство». Але історія все розставить по місцях. І ми будемо з газом, світлом, водою та їжею.. і БЕЗ вас! t.me/V_Zelenskiy_official/3203 Even through the pitch darkness Ukraine and the civilized world clearly see these terrorist acts. Deliberate and cynical missile attacks on civilian critical infrastructure. No military targets. Kharkiv and Donetsk regions are de-energized. There are partial power supply problems in Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Sumy regions. Do you still think that we are "one people"? Do you still think that you can frighten us, break us, persuade us to make concessions? Do you really not understand anything? You don't understand who we are? What we stand for? What we're about? Read my lips: Without gas or without you? Without you. Without electricity or without you? Without you. Without water or without you? Without you. Without food or without you? Without you. Cold, hunger, darkness and thirst are not as terrible and deadly for us as your "friendship and brotherhood". But history will put everything in its place. And we will have gas, light, water and food... and WITHOUT you! t.me/V_Zelenskiy_official/3203 Translated with www.deepl.com/Translator (free version) I wish them a safe and above all quick trip back home!

Temporarily Closed

20 Sep 2020 15 10 252
No way in? No way OUT? I need a rest. See you.

Spoiled Spring

10 Apr 2022 9 4 210
Verdorbener Frühling

Peace, Justice and Freedom for Ukraine


26 Mar 2022 28 42 422
Буча Butscha Because of the terrible news from Butcha in the Kiev region, I have updated my picture from last Thursday to today's date. My thoughts are with the victims and their families! Russia get out of Ukraine!!

Looking East - One Month Death and Destruction in…

Where will it lead to? Peace and Freedom for Ukrai…

13 Mar 2022 24 8 208
Not spring yet here around, but the fourth week of rioting russian army in Ukraine. Why??? A soft and tender yellow/blue layer on a rather coldish blue image in late winter. What else can I do?

Say her name, again and again: MARINA OVSIANNIKOVA…

14 Mar 2022 23 22 244
Protest in the heart of Russian state TV With a protest poster and loud shouts, a female anti-war protester on Russian state television caused an interruption of the main evening news broadcast. During the live broadcast at 9 p.m. Moscow time (7 p.m. CET) on Monday, the woman suddenly jumped into the frame behind news anchor Ekaterina Andreyeva and held a sign reading "Stop the war. Don't believe the propaganda. Here you are being lied to". To this she shouted loudly several times, "No to war, No to war, No to war!" Afterwards, the broadcast broke off and images from a hospital were shown. She was reportedly arrested immediately. Translated with www.deepl.com/Translator (free version) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protest mitten im russischen Staats-TV Mit einem Protestplakat und lauten Rufen hat eine Kriegsgegnerin im russischen Staatsfernsehen für eine Unterbrechung der abendlichen Hauptnachrichtensendung gesorgt. Während der Live-Übertragung am Montag um 21.00 Uhr Moskauer Zeit (19.00 Uhr MEZ) sprang die Frau plötzlich hinter Nachrichtensprecherin Jekaterina Andrejewa ins Bild und hielt ein Schild mit der Aufschrift "Stoppt den Krieg. Glaubt der Propaganda nicht. Hier werdet ihr belogen" hoch. Dazu rief sie mehrmals laut: "Nein zum Krieg, Nein zum Krieg, Nein zum Krieg!" Anschließend brach die Übertragung ab und es wurden Bilder aus einem Krankenhaus gezeigt. Sie soll umgehend festgenommen worden sein. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- twitter.com/igorpianist/status/1503446654401318914 twitter.com/igorpianist/status/1503464164295163904 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation of Ovsiannikova speech: Ovsyannikova also appears to have recorded a video beforehand in which she blames Putin for the war and apologizes for her work on Russian state TV news. "What's happening in Ukraine is a crime, and Russia is the aggressor. The responsibility for this aggression lies with one man: Vladimir Putin. My father is Ukrainian, my mother is Russian, and they were never enemies. This necklace [shows] Russia must stop this fratricidal war. Unfortunately, for the last few years I've been working for Channel One. I've been doing Kremlin propaganda and I'm very ashamed of it – that I let people lie from TV screens and allowed the Russian people to be zombified. We didn't say anything in 2014 when it only just began. We didn't protest when the Kremlin poisoned Navalny. We just silently watched this inhuman regime. Now the whole world has turned away from us, and ten generations of our descendants won't wash off this fratricidal war. transl. by max seddon

Slava Ukraini (PiP)

13 Mar 2022 22 11 153
Dirndlstrauch, Kornelkirsche, Cornus mas: delicate flowers, hard wood (hardest & heaviest in Europe), precious fruit, powerful resprouting after pruning ... from wikipedia: 'Alosza', 'Alesha'- Ukrainian variety with yellow fruits. One of the earliest varieties with fruits ripening in early August ... 'Yantarnyj', 'Yantarnyj' - Ukrainian variety with yellow fruits. One of the most productive varieties ... 'Korałłowyj', 'Korallowyj' - Ukrainian variety with an unique orange fruit ... 'Władymirskij', 'Vladymirskij' - Ukrainian variety with large fruit ... Slava Ukraini!

153 items in total