"Just checking, dear; thought I heard something in the bushes"

50 + favourites

Gurnard's Head, looking landwards

09 Jul 2012 53 48 566
Taken from the promontory of Gurnard's Head, Zennor.

Dawn / sunrise

24 Feb 2013 60 62 616
Another tremendous dawn from 2013 and taken from the high rise flat I was living in at the time. Sight and Sound: www.youtube.com/watch?v=X48weyESpec

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

15 Oct 2013 51 43 334
Monasterio de La Hoz, Hoces del Duraton. (Hoz = sickle, hoces = sickles, relating to the sharp meanders of the river Duraton) Situated in the spectacular Hoces del Duraton, Segovia Province. Built in the 13th century but flattened by the collapse of the rocky spur above it. I couldn't find any reference to loss of life so I presume (and hope) that the monks abandoned it at the first sign of danger!

Crane Islands, North Cliffs, Cornwall

04 Aug 2012 49 53 390
Not the best of weather (although the afternoon turned out to be glorious) and yet I enjoyed the shoreline walk.

A fabulous wall mural

18 Jun 2018 52 40 598
I showed this before but it is worth a more detailed expose. The street artist, whomsoever she or he is, gets the thoombs oop from me! This is my favourite of very many excellent street art exhibits on the site of Chamartin Station's car park - to be demolished sooner or later. This will therefore be transient but I will enjoy it while it lasts.

Greenbank Cove

03 Sep 2012 56 48 485
Seen here, Greenbank Cove (deserted as usual, I often have it all to myself!), Crane Islands, and Porthcadjack in the distance with Samphire and Asparagus Islands. My favourite low-tide shore-line walk and rock hop follows this coast. It only takes 1.5 hours to do which is just as well as you don't have much longer before the tides turns!


10 Aug 2014 55 35 511
Another shot of here, but it's hard to resist!

Guardian of theMountains again!

03 Mar 2012 52 55 433
Well, I'm fond of this characterful cliff face on El Cancho Largo, Sierra de La Cabrera. Here are two shots from full on rather than side on; www.ipernity.com/doc/2247598/45630520/in/album/1040438 and www.ipernity.com/doc/2247598/43267964/in/album/1040438

Towanroath pumping engine house

03 Aug 2012 52 34 356
This pumping engine house served Wheal Coates tin mine.


01 Sep 2011 52 44 368
Samphire and Asparagus Islands. Low tide.

Pednvounder Beach, only a few miles from Land's En…

06 Aug 2012 54 43 585
Porthcurno and The Logan Rock. Trereen Dinas (South), West Penwith District, Cornwall.

Dartmoor Ponies and a granite coast

06 Aug 2012 54 53 476
Trereen Dinas South, between Porthcurno and Penberth Cove, West Penwith, Cornwall.

St Agnes Head and Man-and-His-Man

21 Aug 2012 114 111 893
More gorse and heather but I'm sure you won't mind! First uploaded in 2017.

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

04 Aug 2012 57 59 567
Porthcadjack, Cornwall with heather and gorse.

Rock window

11 May 2014 59 57 508
Sierra de La Cabrera. Full screen has been suggested.

Ralph's Cupboard, Portreath, Cornwall

21 Aug 2011 53 55 528
Ralph; giant of legend who stashed his ill-gotten gains here from ships he'd enticed on to the rocks. Same place from a different angle: www.ipernity.com/doc/2247598/46348970/in/album/1036936

Greenbank Cove

01 Sep 2011 52 47 885
The week of summer Bank holiday. No-one here. The beach all to myself. See photo next to this. The only path down! :o)))))))))))))))))

H. A. N. W. E. everyone! Monasterio de Nuestra Se…

14 Sep 2013 70 70 915
Situated in the spectacular Hoces del Duraton, Segovia Province. Built in the 13th century but flattened by the collapse of the rocky spur above it. I couldn't find any reference to loss of life so I presume (and hope) that the monks abandoned it at the first sign of danger! Viewers have suggested enlarging it (the photo, not the monastery!)

369 items in total