Godrevy, for Pam.

Photos for Pam - 100 + photos, mainly of Cornwall, because as Pam herself once told me; "That is where my heart is!"

In support of Pam J in her recovery programmes and a sincere wish for a quick and total return to normality!

St Agnes Head and Man and his Man ...

02 Aug 2015 46 30 230
... or Bawden Rocks, or Cow and Calf. These islets haven't got any kind of settled name. Nothing to do with this photo whatsoever but I just felt like (on a whim) honouring John Lee Hooker! www.youtube.com/watch?v=72p9TTkoymY

The Star Inn at Vogue - sunset

05 Feb 2023 35 21 175
There are two pubs in St Day; The St Day Inn, also known as 'Top House' and The Star here, known as 'Bottom House' on account of the fact that this one lies at the foot of Vogue Terrace, a long descent from the centre of the village. Both pubs have their charms although they are very different in character. With pubs closing at a rate of knots, it's good to be able to have a choice. Long may that continue! Sight and Sound - Jimi Hendrix at the peak of his powers. www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMglEXFCClg

Couldn't resist another camellia shot.

13 Feb 2023 14 14 100
The bush is going great guns!

HANWE everyone from another inquisitive horse and…

23 Feb 2023 37 27 196
View down to Pink Moors from my path to the pub! Perhaps better on large for view of handsome horse!


22 Feb 2023 39 44 205
I THINK it's Wheal Busy but I've yet to confirm this. It's been recommended on good authority to go large! Sight and Sound. It's been a while since I've listened to Mozart and I need a regular fix so here it is! www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXeBFhqViYg

St Agnes Head (1)

10 Mar 2023 21 20 125
A dull and cold day but I just had to get out there. The first time this year that I've even seen the sea, let alone get down there among the cliffs and waves.

St Agnes Head (2) HANWE Everyone!

10 Mar 2023 37 33 187
Same walk and scramble down as adjacent image. My first such scramble in years (post - COVID). I did it all the way down (this shot is from the halfway point) and, importanly, back but was shattered at the end. Out of practice. (And, in my defence, I had the wrong footwear and the rocks were crumbly and the grass slippery). I need to get much fitter for revived walks in La Sierra de Cabrera this coming spring!

More granite, this time clothed in lichen.

10 Mar 2023 30 25 186
Man and His Man, Bawden Rocks (I'm sure he does - rude not to!), Cow and Calf. The three names used for that pair of rocks. St Agnes Head, Cornwall. Sight and Sound: www.youtube.com/watch?v=50ciMZufh0Y I'd not heard this version before. It's superb. If you've got the patience, it's worth a listen.

Brooding menace.

10 Mar 2023 27 18 153
The seacliffs at St Agnes have been no friends to shipping down the ages. Rock and sea perhaps viewed slightly better on large. Sight and Sound, Lou Reed. www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShFny1GHPXg

Sunset above The Star.

23 Mar 2023 19 16 144
Not much to add here really but it seemed a bit more colourful than the usual sunset.

HANWE everyone! ( ... and this one's for Rosa who…

24 Mar 2023 48 45 230
Outer Harbour, Portreath. This was great! I escaped for half an hour at the coast this evening and as it was very windy in St Day I thought conditions might be interesting on the coast. Serendipity it was't as I guessed this scene was a possibility. There are a few more shots from here to come.

Bosigran Head - granite of course!

26 Mar 2023 40 39 250
I remember doing this climb in 1978 but I forget its name or its grade (of difficulty, possibly a VS - very severe - actually not so technically demanding). It was nice to escape for a few hours today and re-visit an old stamping ground: Zennor. Shooting into the sun. Wasn't sure if it was going to work.

Carn Galva (or Galver, the jury's still out) and p…

26 Mar 2023 43 32 239
The Sea and Bosigran Cliffs are behind me. I'm looking inland towards Carn Galva. Please see notes.


24 Mar 2023 55 56 283
Portreath outer harbour again. For me, this was a lot of fun and certainy blew some of the cobwebs away! Sight and Sound. I love this song by War with Eric Burdon; www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDNS3rtfD3I

HANWE everyone! I see the Ukranian flag colouring…

26 Mar 2023 40 30 271
Bosigran Head: yellow gorse, grey granite and blue sea. Typical of Cornwall on this coast.

Ancient Cornish stile

02 Apr 2023 16 15 147
Leading off from Pink Moors. I went along the path for a few 100 yards but it became so waterlogged that I gave up and will wait for dryer conditions!

Bosigran Head to Gurnard's Head

26 Mar 2023 35 33 245
A fine sweep of Cornish coast.

Bosigran Head, sea-cliff climbing, nursery slopes.

26 Mar 2023 20 20 159
Looking away from the sea and towards Carn Galva. The slopes here are gentle ones - great for beginners. Better on large for greater detail of the granite and this landscape. This is looking the other direction: www.ipernity.com/doc/2247598/51829324

690 items in total