Godrevy, for Pam.

Photos for Pam - 100 + photos, mainly of Cornwall, because as Pam herself once told me; "That is where my heart is!"

In support of Pam J in her recovery programmes and a sincere wish for a quick and total return to normality!

Basset Memorial, Carn Brae.

27 Aug 2012 41 28 306
Cornwall, Redruth, granite tor of Carn Brae. St Ives Bay can just be seen in the distance.

Granite country

15 May 2018 65 49 395
La Sierra de La Cabrera, Madrid Province

St Agnes Head, Cornwall

10 Aug 2014 89 79 518
Second time of posting but I don't think anyone will object!

Las Agujas de Cancho Gordo

25 May 2019 73 51 414
Sierra de La Cabrera. Madrid is a smudge on the horizon between the two left-hand pillars. This was the last time I went walking in these mountains. My objective is to get back up there next spring and that will involve a lot of physiotherapy! But no pain no gain!

We all tend to fold under extreme pressure!

07 Aug 2012 64 55 377
Godrevy coastline, Cornwall

Newdowns Head and Man-and-His-Man (or Cow-and-Calf…

21 Aug 2012 78 75 452
Heather and gorse carpet. Southwest Peninsula Coast Path, St Agnes, Cornwall.

Cistus / jara / rock rose.

25 May 2019 65 58 454
La Sierra de La Cabrera.

Sally's Bottom, Nancecuke.

08 Aug 2014 68 55 433
On the north Cornish coast path between Porteath and Porthtowan.

Another view from the back of the house. Early mor…

12 Mar 2022 76 94 447
Fog clearing. Jarama Valley, Algete, Madrid Province. Sierra de Guadarrama. Another of my sister's shots.

South West Peninsula Coast Path

23 Jul 2015 74 78 425
Between Newdown and St Agnes Heads, Cornwall

Poppy field

20 May 2015 82 87 392
Near my current home in Algete but I wasn't living here when I took this shot. It was taken on a visit to my sister's then home in a flat in Algete town. I have very probably posted this before but I felt it was worth another airing!

Another garden rose

16 May 2022 64 65 338
My sister's garden in Algete, Madrid. This one has a wonderful scent!

Blue Crown. H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

19 May 2022 70 79 358
This bloomed last year for the entire duration of my hospital stay (covid-19). So I was pleasantly surprised this year to discover that it is very similar to the white variety, Constance Elliott, that I had in my garden in Pinner, Middlesex, England over a decade ago. This variety is called Blue Crown.

Hell's Mouth

20 Apr 2022 65 56 347
North Cornish coast. Southwest Peninsula Coastpath. My sister's shot taken last month on their brief visit to Cornwall to see our parents.

North Cornish Coast at Crane Castle, North Cliffs.

19 Aug 2011 51 41 333
This floral foreground is no longer there but was swept away by coastal erosion sometime between 2012 and 2014. Google Maps has a sign for a castle at this place. The "castle" is one rampart of an iron age fort, Crane Castle, 95% of which is now under the waves. What's left are the inland ramparts!

Porthcadjack Cove at low tide.

07 Jun 2011 51 50 289
Samphire and Asparagus Islands from Carvannel Downs, South west Peninsula Coast Path. Taken 11 years ago and it seems like yesterday! I see this was taken on my first day back from my first year teaching in Madrid. It had been a tough but rewarding year and as there were no classes from June to early September (therefore no earnings), I went on the dole back in Cornwall. I wasn't able to pull that trick in following years, so this was the last (and come to think of it, first!) 3 month summer holiday I had!

Hell's Mouth. H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

09 Aug 2018 55 66 290
Another one from this place. The last one was from my sister this year. I've not yet been here in foul weather but can imagine the despair and terror of those ships' crews driven ashore here - and they were, in their thousands!

Las Agujas de El Cancho Gordo

25 May 2019 78 79 347
Sierra de La Cabrera granite forms. This was in May 2019, the last time I walked in these mountains. Best on large.

690 items in total