Godrevy, for Pam.

Photos for Pam - 100 + photos, mainly of Cornwall, because as Pam herself once told me; "That is where my heart is!"

In support of Pam J in her recovery programmes and a sincere wish for a quick and total return to normality!

A big wave!

04 Aug 2012 58 59 282
How do I know? Well I'm standing on the cliff top ... and it's a very tall cliff! North Cliffs, Cornwall.

My picnic table.

26 May 2012 66 111 341
Well, I haven't shown my favourite picnic table for quite some time and I'm not sure whether I've posted this exact same shot before but even I have, I feel it's worth another airing! Better maybe on full screen.

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

16 May 2015 60 63 486
Well Spring has long gone but I found this Spring wildflower meadow shot and I don't think I've posted it before (I may be wrong!)

Bosigran, Zennor, Cornwall

03 Aug 2017 59 51 285
Looking west along the coast from Bosigran Head. A famous rock climb (or two) tops out at this point. www.ukclimbing.com/photos/item.php?nstart=144&crag=565

Picnic table again.

15 May 2018 61 66 306
Well it's sufficiently different to the last one to merit another airing, I think!

Trumpet vine

22 Aug 2022 63 73 340
A street near me. (Algete street scene 1) These dramatic flowers are fairly common here. They look especially good against a granite wall and with a view to the distant Guadarrama mountains. A blue sky helps too! Also everything is as was! No editing at all, no cropping, no enhancements whatsoever. The light yesterday was so pure that I could have read the small print off a can of coke (if I had been so inclined) without my reading glasses! Sight and sound: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NR-hmFrR20 - by the late great Tim Buckley. Simply because it's a summery kind of song and with summer on the way out soon, I get a bit of a sadness creeping in. This song helps cheer me up. By the way, younger members might recognise the name of his talented son; Jeff Buckley. Sadly, both died young and both by drowning. Perhaps best on full screen.

Algete street scene no. 6

22 Aug 2022 24 18 226
This street is just below ours. It has a good view to the Guadarrama Mountains. Again a +40ºC day and it certainly felt it as I took my daily constitutional! The two green bins are a necessary evil and are a statement to our times so I think they have their place here! I have to say the light these past two weeks here has been pristine! No editing of shots at all necessary or desirable! Please on full screen and feel free to close in even further!

From the house to the Sierra de Guadarrama

30 Aug 2022 40 36 245
Today the mountains CAN be seen! Compare this with the previous upload! A shot taken in a subdued evening light. Perhaps better enlarged.

Purple Loosestrife, North Cliffs from The Knavocks…

05 Aug 2011 59 53 259
Very common on marshier bits of coast.

When the pipistrelle bats come out to feed

02 Sep 2022 68 82 341
Always difficult to video or photo as they are so quick! They do a great service by keeping the mosquito population down. They are normally seen just as the sun sets. Best on full screen and further enlargement to view the bat!

Convento Monasterio de San Julian y San Antonio.

15 May 2011 47 46 242
Monastery with superb granite backdrop. Sierra de La Cabrera, Madrid province. One from the past. Not sure if it was posted previously on Ipernity; definitely was on Panoramio in 2011.

Cornish Coast at Crane Castle

21 Aug 2011 58 49 317
I've probably posted this before now but I've run out of new Cornwall shots so the odd repeat will have to suffice! On the coast between Portreath and Godrevy at North Cliffs. Crane Castle, so marked on OS maps, is an iron age promontary fort where only the landward defenses remain; everything else having been swept away by the sea over the centuries. The inevitable will soon happen to the colourful slope you see here and then there will be nothing left of Crane Castle. :o(

HFF everyone! Another aspect of my Mum's garden

22 Jul 2012 53 68 248
Saint Day, Cornwall. I add a Sammy Davis Jr musical link simply because I think he was underrated for his consummate performing skills. Again nothing to do with the photo, I just like it! www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Fju4UajL7g

Fishing Cove and The Knavocks.

06 Aug 2015 69 50 333
As I can't download photos from my phone at the moment (I'll try to get it fixed soon), here is one from the archives that was certainly on Panoramio but I don`t think on here before.

Towanroath Pumping Engine House, Wheal Coates tin…

01 Aug 2015 80 70 343
Not the best of days weather-wise. Another oldie while I try to find the time to sort out my uploading difficulties. Perhaps best on black.

H. A. N. W. E. everyone! Cornish coast and tin min…

25 Aug 2015 60 62 286
Bosigran Head and Carn Galva tin mine.

Cornish Coast near Godrevy

29 Jul 2012 68 52 365
Most people take a shot in the other direction, towards Godrevy lighthouse. I just felt like doing the opposite for a change!

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

08 Aug 2015 62 43 244
Another corner of my mum's garden.

690 items in total