Wild lupin, La Sierra de La Cabrera

800 + views

My friendly vulture family!

21 May 2013 42 77 905
Buitres Leonidas. Griffon Vultures. I was fortunate to get this close. I was upwind and in the shade; it helped! El Cancho de La Bola, Sierra de La Cabrera. Photo taken in May 2013, regardless of the exif date!

Sierra de La Cabrera (one of the many rock climbin…

13 May 2012 36 40 1025
One of the ascent / descent routes to or from the ridge of La Sierra de La Cabrera. I took the shot from the path (steep, admittedly but neither exposed nor dangerous!), not the cliff face. However, I don't expect micritter to believe me! :o)

H. A. N. W. E, Every one! Mushroom Rock.

21 Jan 2012 53 52 919
Granite throws up eccentric forms! La Sierra de La Cabrera. Madrid Province.

147 items in total