Wild lupin, La Sierra de La Cabrera

800 + views

Happy Fence Friday!

18 Jul 2012 74 84 1400
Rhodochriton (sometimes called Purple Bell Vine). A climber originally from Southern Mexico and Guatamala. It is very happy in Cornwall! Garden in Saint Day, Cornwall

Happy Fence Friday, ipernity survivors and perseve…

08 Jul 2012 60 97 1383
Pasiflora. My Mum's garden again! Despite some sour and peevish comments many of us received from an unexpected source (unexpected to me anyway!), let's make this terrific site flourish!! 'Surely it is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness!'

Poppies. Algete, Spain, May 2016.

04 May 2016 95 111 1578
Madrid Province. Very close to the capital! On the horizon, La Sierra de La Cabrera.

Parque de Juan Carlos I

24 Jun 2012 47 50 1192
Purpose-built 1980s park in northeast Madrid (but then I suppose that ALL parks are 'purpose-built'), full of grandiose metallic sculptures and broad vistas much beloved of surfboarders and roller skaters (I'm not 100% certain of the vocabulary here as maybe one of these activities is related to water rather than land?? I'm floundering as neither activity interests me in the slightest!) and whatever is fashionable in such circles these days.

Hell's Mouth, Reskajeage, Cornwall

22 Jul 2012 53 70 1231
Looking across from North Cliffs to Navrax Point. South West Peninsula Coast Path. This looks innocuous enough in fine weather. In rough seas it is an entirely different matter for shipping, hence the name! This happened here the previous year: www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMnbOlvx72k

San Lorenzo de El Escorial

10 Apr 2017 76 107 1928
The Palace-monastery from the Herreria Woods, Abantos behind. The Capital of Much of the Known World, circa 1590.

HFF everybody, and maybe one we didn't expect to s…

26 May 2012 64 79 1401
One of the happiest HFF shots I can remember posting for a few months! Now all we need to do is make it work!! Wild flowers near Valdemanco, Madrid, on the approach to La Sierra de La Cabrera.

Sierra de La Cabrera and an exuberence of granite.

09 Apr 2015 32 50 1216
Encina (holm oak), Canchos Largo y Gordo. And granite, granite and more granite! Look closely at the oak. It has been lopped. This is a 'managed' wild landscape! It is also my favourite walking country.

HFF! (yes it's there on the left).

21 May 2014 60 92 1260
Some of you may remember, from Panoramio, this piece of land belonging to my girlfriend. She is still trying to sell it, if anyone is interested! In the foreground; Spanish lavender.

Tubby's Head to St Agnes' Head

23 Jul 2011 50 62 1255
Granite cliffs, Cornwall. It's a good fun scramble down to this point. Over many years I have seen a total of 3 fishermen down here and no-one else. Fundraising is still going on. Apparently and, ultimately, IMA need at least $50,000 to continue Ipernity into 2018! www.generosity.com/community-fundraising/ipernity-members-association-a-non-profit-entity

North Cliffs from Reskajeage Downs, Cornwall

05 Aug 2012 47 53 1324
The notorious (for shipping anyway) Hell's Mouth is tucked in the cliffs in the middle distance. Fundraising is still going on. Apparently and, ultimately, IMA need at least 50.000 $ to continue Ipernity into 2018! www.generosity.com/community-fundraising/ipernity-members-association-a-non-profit-entity

HFF!!! Cuatro Torres and sculpture, Chamartin rail…

12 Apr 2014 41 65 1334
The sculpture: "A LA DIVERSIDAD HUMANA" Sculpture by Josep Capella and Clara Capo. I have Steve Drury to thank for finding the title from my Pano gallery when I thought Google had erased all notes and comments! Please give as generously as you can: www.generosity.com/community-fundraising/ipernity-members-association-a-non-profit-entity

St Agnes' Head, Cornwall

05 Aug 2014 67 68 1089
Granite cliffs at St Agnes' Head, St Agnes' Heritage Coast. Good fun scrambling down to this point and good exercise getting back up! I used to to do it 10 times a day when I was trying to lose the weight I put on after I quit smoking! It worked! Try on Z please.

Porthmeor Farm, Zennor, Cornwall. HFF!

20 Jul 2012 72 102 1423
HFF to all my ipernity and IMA friends. There is a fence in there somewhere; the horse has got it (almost) covered!

Wheal Coates tin mine from Tubby's Head, Cornwall.…

04 Aug 2014 68 87 1624
St Agnes' Heritage Coast, August 2014. Granite cliffs (and rock samphire in the foreground).

HFF! Cornish hedge on the northern slopes of Carn…

28 May 2011 53 71 1185
I know it's VERY early (I will be away for a couple of days) and also it's not exactly a fence, but it will have to do! Stone field borders are called hedges in Cornwall.

Wild tulips (having a party). Sierra de La Cabrer…

25 Jun 2013 74 83 2108
They only open at the height of the strongest sun and when the temperature gets really hot, sometimes for an hour or so only. I have seen them closed on a sunny and warm day - it just wasn't quite hot enough. This is not photoshopped or edited in any major way. The tulip colours and the grey of the degraded granite were as seen. Sight and sound! www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXHwzyqFRDE

Porthcurno, Logan Rock, Pednvounder Beach.Trereen…

06 Aug 2012 117 137 1760
Another one of this but it's irresistible! A raincloud that had soaked everyone 15 minutes earlier can be seen scuttling away offshore. You can see the scale by the tiny figures in the surf. First posted in 2016 but worth another airing I think!

147 items in total