HFF!!! Rhodochiton in my mother's garden

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Family geranium (see notes!). HFF everyone!

13 Aug 2014 31 42 812
My Mum's garden. HFF everyone! These came from my great-aunt's garden at her farm in Zennor, Cornwall. I hadn't seen them before (yes similar ones but not this vibrant). She couldn't remember where she got them from (cuttings from cuttings going back to the 1930s apparently). I took cuttings (this was in the early 80s), planted some myself in my London garden and gave some to my mum for her garden, also in London at that time. Then my parents retired to Cornwall 20 years ago and this nice geranium followed. I feel a strong attachment to it! It has faithfully followed the family around for the best part of a century! I want to take cuttings to Madrid and establish a Spanish branch. It deserves its place in the sun!

Rosebay Willow Herb

14 Aug 2011 41 42 792
View from Carn Marth to Falmouth - you can see the English Channel just about. If you turned round you would see the Atlantic in the other direction. I initially thought this was a plant called 'honesty' but Pam J saved me from a very silly error. I know both plants perfectly well! You can see all about both plants in her Wikipedia link she sent me a little way down this page.

Teleferico, Madrid

19 Oct 2012 16 22 667
From Arguelles in the City centre to the Caso de Campo. A nice trip (about 10 minutes long).

Godrevy, Cornwall

27 Jul 2012 31 38 725
Godrevy Lighthouse, the inspiration for Virgina Woolf's novel 'To The Lighthouse'. Although she set her novel in Scotland she admitted that the idea for it was formed by the view of Godrevy across St Ives Bay from her house.

'KEEP OUT'!! or 'STAY IN!!'. Either way, a worryin…

20 Aug 2016 23 23 832
An arresting sight! And a deeply unpleasant one, to my mind! Window seen in Mogarraz, Salamanca Province.

Puente de Los Franceses

28 Oct 2012 29 40 744
A famous bridge in Madrid built to take the first trains to the north in the 19th century. Here it crosses the Rio Manzanares. Much shelled in the Civil War as it was effectively in no-man's land for the best part of three years. But it survived!


03 Aug 2017 47 59 666
Commando Ridge from Bosigran main cliff, Zennor, Cornwall. Commando Ridge is not the little island seen below but the steep and rocky ridge rising right-to-left in mid-distance (only the lower line is shown here). A famous climb and first made popular by the Abraham Brothers (and sister - the first ascent was by one brother and the sister) in Victorian times. It got its current name during WWII when it was chosen as a major Commando training ground.

Purple loosestrife, Tubby's Head

01 Aug 2017 19 23 662
The old Southwest Peninsula Coast path went this way but it was a touch too strenuous and steep so it was re-routed up above on the flat and, frankly, boring path. I enjoy following the original path here.

Hoyo de Manzanares, rainy night

Caribbean blue, heather and granite

08 Aug 2015 56 59 663
Cornish coast near Penberth Cove. Black and on full screen please. You can then just about make out the Lizard Peninsula in the very far distance (the southernmost point in the United Kingdom). This shot is taken approx 5 miles from Land's End, (the most westerly point of England) These geographical niceties matter!

HFF and Happy New Year! Much rain the night before…

03 Aug 2017 23 36 739
Lane to Men-an-Tol. Without wellies (most people were braving sandals or similar) the best way was to roll up your trouser legs or tuck your skirt into whatever was available, or trespass in the adjoining field. Most people did the latter! Taken and posted in 2017, re-posted New Year's Day 2021

Basset Cove

01 Sep 2011 25 26 760
My low tide coastal shoreline walk at about the halfway mark. Mussels cling to the rocks. A bit small at this time of year but as it was September 1st, quite OK to collect them! (In Britain there is a saying that you should only eat oysters when there is an 'r' in the month; therefore August - no, September - yes. I know these aren't oysters but I stick to the same reasoning to do with their spawning season!)

...Hmmmm... now let me see ... Yes, I'm sure the p…

08 Aug 2014 63 89 742
Photo taken in August 2014. I previously walked this stretch of coast path in the summer of 2010 and the path did indeed go straight across from this point! A massive land slip had occurred in those few years. Porthtowan and St Agnes Beacon can be seen. First posted on ipernity in 2018. Better on large.

This little island has been called 'General de Gau…

04 Aug 2018 55 64 754
Carn Gloose, Saint Just, Cornwall. Again this is the cloud that caused much excitement and front-page newspaper photos from nearby Land's End, and I have no idea why! Sight and Sound; www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FOUqQt3Kg0

Sierra de La Cabrera, granite. PLEASE STAY, DON'T…

Western Ridge

04 Dec 2015 23 30 725
Sierra de La Cabrera with the Convento Monasterio de San Julian y San Antonio. Without the right lenses, stitching ability, etc, I have never been able to get the whole ridge in one shot from this close. Therefore, the best I can come up with are these two shots next to each other!

Star of Bethlehem (ornitholagum). Best enlarged.

25 Apr 2016 27 34 723
Seen on the path between Colmenar de Oreja and Chinchon, Madrid Province. I can name this thanks to Louisa H who named it when I asked for help on Panoramio. Thank you once again, Louisa!

Granite and Spanish Lavender

06 Jun 2015 42 48 657
Sierra de La Cabrera, El Cancho Largo.

722 items in total