HFF!!! Rhodochiton in my mother's garden

500 + views

Cancho de La Bola - favourite home of Griffon Vul…

03 Mar 2012 23 26 816
Sierra de La Cabrera, On the ridge.

Towanroath, Chapel Porth

09 Aug 2017 56 60 683
Towanroath pumping engine house served Wheal Coates tin mine. The mines extended well below sea level and far out to sea.

Madrid, Almudena Cathedral and the earliest (Musli…

11 Mar 2013 27 39 661
Taken from Parque Emir Mohamed I. March 2014

HFF everyone!!

11 Jul 2017 25 32 750
Another shot from my sister's new house. This was taken near the start of High Summer so the heat haze is obscuring the view of the mountains, sadly! Algete, Madrid Province

HFF, everyone!

20 Aug 2012 35 62 777
Well a fence after a fashion, but definitely a fence! Reskajeage, Cornwall. The sloping path on the cliff opposite is the path to Fishing Cove, the officially designated nudist beach. The path is FAR easier than it looks from here!

Cornish granite near Penberth Cove

08 Aug 2015 27 29 817
The West Penwith area at the extreme southwest of Cornwall is 100% granite.

Plaza Mayor, Salamanca

18 Aug 2016 13 17 780
The largest Plaza Mayor in Spain. I waited for ages for the guy in the pink shirt to shuffle off but he must have used up a whole reel of film! Mind you, there was probably a guy behind me ,,,

HFF! Mesmerised ponies!

10 Aug 2017 45 71 689
Shetland Ponies above Ralph's Cupboard, Portreath. They found something absolutely engrossing but I couldn't see nor guess what it was! They certainly ignored us completely! All they did, for a full 15 minutes, was stand stock still and stare straight ahead through the fence!


11 Aug 2014 45 53 722
Samphire Island (or possibly Asparagus Island), Porthcadjack, Cornwall. I have never known which of the two islands is which. I asked a wizened old sea dog in a Portreath Pub once and he said in an almost impenetrable Cornish accent; 'Who the f... cares' I still don't know! In the very far distance, Godrevy Island and lighthouse.

Keeping watch

25 May 2013 64 84 737
Griffon vulture on El Cancho de La Bola, Sierra de La Cabrera. I know I've said this before and I know one or two of you don't like the thought but this granite boulder is only white because of 10,000 years of guano!

La Cabrera. Mondalindo in cloud. On 'z' please.

01 May 2012 25 33 706
Sierra de La Cabrera. May 2012. Madrid Province

Trereen Dinas (South), Cornish Granite. PLEASE STA…

08 Aug 2015 28 43 674
Near Penberth Cove, Porthcurno and Logan Rock, West Penwith, Cornwall. It actually is a rock window but I couldn't get the whole frame in the shot without falling off the cliff edge behind me. ... And that I would not do, even for my art!! :o)


05 Apr 2012 29 42 747
Not sure what went on here. I took some night shots. All seemingly normal. On looking at this a few days later it seemed rather eerie, if not spooky! I don't know what the vague impression of a double image is exactly or even if it's here at all. But there is enough of a suggestion of ... something ... to give me goose bumps ! Taken in Hortaleza, Madrid.

Gurnard's Head (full screen please)

09 Jul 2012 32 34 757
Named for it's resemblance to the head of a gurnard, a tasty red fish caught around here. Its only drawback is its very spiny and bony nature, but the taste almost compensates! The main slab of cliff face (black, centre-right) houses the famous climb 'Right Angle'. You traverse to it across the lower rocks (mid-centre) and ascend the steep crack. Yes. I did it once (1978). A terrific mid grade climb! It was a very enjoyable climb, so much so that, more than any other climb from those years, I can remember almost every move!

Old stone house. Canicosa, Segovia Province

St Agnes Head from Tubby's Head

01 Aug 2017 46 40 682
Cornish granite sea-cliff scenery. Lichen and rock samphire in the foreground.

Chun Quoit

20 Jul 2012 29 35 810
The cutest quoit in Cornwall (there are a few equally cute dolmens in Brittany and elsewhere in Europe). Neolithic burial chamber; would have originally been buried completely under a mound of smaller stones and earth but 6,000 years of Cornish weather has easily disposed of all that!

Lotus and ducklings, El Retiro, Madrid

11 Jun 2013 23 23 791
How many ducklings can you see? The answer is of course three. However, when I was about to take the shot I had 4 in the frame! I presume that one is completely hidden under or behind a lotus petal! It obviously had the same view of photos taken of it as my girlfriend!

722 items in total