Rapeseed Splendour

Flowers and Fauana

Rapeseed Splendour

10 Apr 2017 10 17 364
A trip to our East coast and Flamborough Head brings this delightful scene here in Springtime. In the distance can be seen the two Flamborough lighthouses, one now defunct.

Tuscany - Summer Time

12 May 2011 5 11 335
What wonders exist in our world when we see scenes like this. Taken near Siena in Tuscany.

Lochranza NW toward the mainland, Claonaig

18 May 2017 9 10 489
Lochranza on the Isle of Arran, Scotland is without doubt a beautiful place to be. Its shores, mountains, castle and distillery all add to the charm. This is taken from the northern estuary side near Newton.

A touch of Spring

25 Apr 2018 6 10 315
Here on the streets of Rouen in France, these tulips vie with the nearby restaurants for attention.

Cherry Blossom time

09 May 2018 6 10 280
Ah, we can always tell when Winter is over and the Summer is just around the corner when we see these beautiful trees in blossom. Seeing this, I can quite understand why so much music was named after them. Enjoy the Summer.

Winter Pink

19 Mar 2018 20 23 447
A touch of colour to show us the way to Spring. I believe this is the common weed/flower called Vetch. Seen popping out of the new snow in my local valley besides the stream. PiP shows this small plant on right of river!

Grinton Moor wildlife

17 Aug 2017 20 30 616
A carpet of purple which for me is a real pleasure to roam though. Taken on the moor above the tiny Swaledale village of Grinton near Reeth in the Yorkshire Dales. The sheep is actually a 'Swaledale' well know for their ruggedness and found throughout the mountains and moorland of Britain. No doubt on its way to join its close-by friends and relatives. More Info: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swaledale_sheep

Its Crocus day!

21 Feb 2019 30 37 304
Happy crocus day -well it may not be officially, but it is for me. A couple of hours of February warm sun in our garden brings out these early Spring flowers. A moment of joy in our household and maybe to you here too. Enjoy. Crocus is a genus of flowering plants in the iris family comprising 90 species of perennials growing from corms. Many are cultivated for their flowers appearing in autumn, winter, or spring. The spice saffron is obtained from the stigmas of Crocus sativus, an autumn-blooming species. Wikipedia

Northern Spring

10 May 2019 18 25 413
The wild flowers of May can be a delightful sight. Here we have three very strong colours in this green, blue and red meadow on the Scottish, Aberdeenshire coast.

Summer wild flowers

05 Jul 2019 19 27 247
As we encroach into mid summer here in Oldham, one can delight in the many flowers that are now blooming. Here we see a sample of truly wild flowers including poppies, clovers and cornflower. Wild as they are, they are actually in a recently created house garden and demonstrates the drive in this country to provide more flowers of this type to save our dwindling bee population. See Pip

Scurdie Ness Lighthouse

07 May 2019 24 22 502
Enjoy another lighthouse from me. This at Ferryden, Montrose. "Scurdie Ness is a headland located on the South side of the River South Esk estuary, Montrose, Scotland. The lighthouse is listed as a building of Architectural/Historic interest. In 1867 the sea-faring community of Ferryden made representations to the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses to have a light established on Montrose Point at the rock-bound shore stretching between the Bell Rock and Girdle Ness which had been the scene of numerous shipwrecks and great loss of life. The lighthouse was built by David and Thomas Stevenson and on Tuesday 1 March 1870 at 1800 hours the tower was lit for the first time amidst cheers from the multitude gathered on the links and the sands. Originally the light character was fixed white but in 1907 was changed to isophase white 60 seconds (i.e, light 30 seconds, eclipse 30 seconds). The light currently flashes (3) white every 20 seconds and has a range of 23 nautical miles."

HFF - Rapeseed fields, gates and fences.

10 May 2019 53 91 342
Taken on the coast near Montrose in NE Scotland. The sea was just a few metres from my back here. The yellow for me stands out against the black sky back-drop, a clear indicator of bad weather to come but it never really did on this day. The central part of this photo recently came sixth in our CWP competitions. I wish you all, a great weekend, Herb Best full screen.

The South Hams

20 Jul 2019 21 26 252
Taken near Hope Cove in the South Hams in Devon whilst on a trail called 'Bolt Tail' which ventures the edge of a fine headland. The distant town is Thurlestone - a great walk from here to the North. Of course, an advantage of taking a walk here in July, is the profusion of wild flowers. Nice full screen

South Milton Nature Reserve

24 Jul 2019 20 22 240
A wonderful view near the footbridge of this little estuary. Notice the fishing heron. The rock is called Thurlestone Rock and has in fact a natural tunneled archway through it. Enjoy full screen

Thurlestone Sands fence

24 Jul 2019 46 77 491
Looking East toward Hope Cove and over this big expansive sandy bay called Thulerstone Sands. Rather misty now that we are on our way back beyond the first rocky headland to our car in the next bay. To my left is a rather beautiful golf course where I watched in fascination as golf balls whistled over my head as I stood there with my camera. I wish you all, a great weekend, Herb

Bolt Head Coastal scene

21 Jul 2019 17 22 232
A grand walk over the 'Bolt Head' headland near the small Devon town of Kingsbridge gives many scenic pleasures. Here is but a small sample with this high view of jagged rocks with a glimpse of wild heather. Nice full size.

Wild sea's, jagged rocks and gentle fauna.

24 Jul 2019 30 26 530
Another view of our South Devon coastline near Thurlestone (Just east of Plymouth). A good example of why shipping of every description have fallen foul here through the years and tries to give it a wide berth. Enjoy full size.

A Summer in Chania

18 Sep 2019 11 10 182
The narrow bougainvillea strewn streets of Chania are a delight to wander through and indeed dine under in the many restaurants here. This area demonstrates how with a bit of care and planning, inner city area's can be made beautiful. Only thing is -it also needs sun and warmth! Enjoy. Herb ps a delight at full size.

82 items in total