The Petronas Towers

Nikon DX AF-S Nikkor 18-140 3.5-5.6G ED

Folder: Lenses

02 Jan 2023

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173 visits

A ride in Dunwood park

A rare walk along this natural local park gives a glimpse of our late autumn even into this start of the new year. It’s a cool 2C but the sunrays are warming the left side of the trees so they give of a magical mist. Along with a bit of lens flare perhaps (I’m using my old lens), it all adds up to an interesting scene –I think. Enjoy the day.

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07 Jan 2023

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225 visits

Time to go home.

In these local days of darkness and rain its time to look forward to more holidays! ~ Taken in Spain in winter! ~ Have a good day.

29 Jul 2014

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132 visits

Essex fences

Another 2014 shot taken near Bradwell-on-Sea in the south eastern county of Essex. Nice full screen. This again is the Blackwater estuary. The fences are used to control and stem tidal erosion. See PiP Enjoy the weekend.

16 Feb 2015

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Wet seat

A 2015 trip to Cyprus brought us in the vicinity of Larnaca. Here is its Salt Lake, not far from the airport. As can be seen the water is slightly higher than normal and so no sit down for a picnic today. A drifting colony of pink flamingos can just be seen in the distance. See PiP. Enjoy full screen Have a great day. My thanks to Keith Burton for pointing our that these were not pelicans as I first described them as, but flamingos.

10 Mar 2023

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105 visits

Winter walk at Strinesdale reservoir

A band of cold air brings new snow to our area. This is the most I have seen here this year so far and so it allows me to go for a local walk. The trees looked good to me even without the added sunshine. Twenty four hours later and most of this has already gone.

10 Mar 2023

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154 visits

A walk in the snow

A band of cold air brings new snow to our area. This is the most I have seen here this year - so far and so it allows me to go for a local walk with the camera. The trees looked good to me even without the added sunshine. Twenty four hours later and most of this has already gone. The Pip shows a shot from just around the corner. See adjacent photo for full size. Enjoy the weekend.

10 Mar 2023

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187 visits

A walk in the snow 2

Another capture from our show day just 48 hours ago. A different look to this as the snow was still falling and the skies very grey. ~ Today all the snow is almost gone as the temperature rises to a balmy 8c. Enjoy full size.

10 Mar 2023

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199 visits

A winter at Strinesdale

A snowy walk to our closest reservoir brings me onto what we call the high path. Here we have a few seats but as you see, not really serviceable after heavy snow and winds. Enjoy the day.

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31 May 2014

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The Talmine Reaper

In the tiny Scottish seaside village of Talmine lies an old wreck. It was the 'Reaper'. Beached here in 1976 after being destroyed by fire in nearby Loch Erribol. A fine skeleton here but since I took this in 2014 I believe it has deteriorated somewhat. She was originally a fishing boast that was built in 1948 and based in Scrabster. As I was photographing this, a local wag, informed me that it was fabled to be escaping with a chest of gold bars that was lost in the sands. Since then treasure hunters have sought in vain to find it. -:) Enjoy full screen
27 items in total