The mighty Matterhorn

Slides (mostly Canon AE1, A1)

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17 Jan 2019

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The mighty Matterhorn

The Matterhorn (Monte Cervino) at 4,478 metres (14,692 ft) is certainly an impressive mountain, in fact one of the highest in the Alps and Europe. This Eastern face is taken from Switzerland near the iconic village of Zermat, some time back in 1986 whilst on a skiing holiday in Cervinia on its Italian side. A Fuji slide conversion, dormant after its projection many years ago and then conversion in 2012, until today. As always, better full screen.

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21 Jan 1989

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Eiger- North face

A blast from the past here. One of my January 1989 slide shots taken on skis, at sunset from Kleine Scheidegg, Wengen, Switzerland. I was reminded of this scene whilst photo-site travelling today. Some viewers here might remember this being in my Panoramio account too. A favourite spot for me, especially after reading the famous 'White Spider' (North face climb attempts) by Heinrich Harrer.

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04 Apr 2020

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Interlaken 1985

In these days of self-isolation we can reminisce on our past adventures and holidays through our photos that we have carefully preserved (haven't we!). Here is an example of a trip taken some 35 years ago now. Taken on one of Interlaken's two lakes, Switzerland in 1985 whilst on a skiing holiday in nearby Wengen. This is Lake Brienz on a very cold winters day. Original on a 35mm slide. Originally in Panoramio. (PiP shows the nearby Eiger a year or so later) Nice full screen!

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09 Apr 2020

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The mountain narrow gauge railways of Wengen, Switzerland c1984

Here is a selection of the trains running on those mountains at that time, now long superceded. The Wengernalp Railway (WAB) is a 19.11 kilometres long, rack railway line in Switzerland. It runs from Lauterbrunnen to Grindelwald via Wengen and Kleine Scheidegg at 2,061 metres above sea level, making it the world's longest continuous rack and pinion railway. The name refers to the seasonal mountain pastures above Wengen. It has a track gauge of 800mm (2'7", UK=1435mm) Originals on 35mm slide. Nice full screen.

26 Apr 2020

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Mayhofen, Austria 1980

Another retro picture here for the lack of brand new exciting photos in this C19 lockdown. Taken whilst on a skiing holiday some forty years ago at the nearby village of Zell-am-Ziller, in the Austrian Tyrol. I took this just a short time before taking the same cable-car to the top ski slopes. The original on Kadachrome 64 35mm slide film Enjoy full screen

19 May 2020

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Still Life: Study in blue

Two pieces of glass standing side by side, almost mirroring themselves in their enveloping curves. Behind is a background of sky blue and clouds with hints of red reflections in the glass from somewhere, we know not where from.

17 May 2020

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Still Life: Bowl of fruit

Another in the grand tradition of still life. The subject of many an artist, be it in oils, watercolours or pencils. You can tell a nice still life fruit study by the increase in saliva it provokes or the urge to simply touch the fruit skins, and in this case stroke the soft wood of the bowl too. The secret to it all, of course, is lighting. I hope that you too recognise these things as I do. Nice full screen

16 May 2020

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Still Life: Romance

When a couple get together in a certain atmospheric situation it only takes an extra touch, like a rose, to set things afire. Enjoy this prelude to love! Enjoy full size.

19 Feb 1983

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Jungfraujoch, its Observatory and climbers

Taken with a long lens whilst travelling up to the Jungfraujoch in its train, from Kleine Scheidegg via The Eiger. Scanned from a 1983 slide Enjoy full screen.
21 items in total