Large Magallenic Cloud

NEQ6 Pro Sky-Watcher & EQM 35 GOTO Sky-Watcher

Tracker For Stars

Lucky shot- Do look on black to get the effect of…

26 Apr 2019 11 4 492
Looking back through last months photos I found this shot I did not see. In all my years taking photos at this spot I have never been this lucky. Trucks are always a problem at night as they head West along the highway below the Rocks. there high beams are so strong they ruin a shot as they come up the straight to these rocks then turn North. how lucky can you get the Rock is Perfectly lit from behind.

Scorpians Tail

27 May 2019 9 440
40 sec shot time. The Cats Paw Nebula @600mm

Lagoon Nebula

27 May 2019 8 454
40 sec shot time Note is the next do Trifid nebula

The Core of the Milky way

26 May 2019 12 6 496
4 min shot time


27 May 2019 12 8 573
Not quite happy with the way the shot came out more learning.

Jupiter In front of the Milky way

27 May 2019 12 8 725
close up of the snake

Double take

26 May 2019 29 30 707
This photo is two 4 Minute ground exposure Untracked. ISO 3200 4 Minute sky exposure Tracked for more detail of the stars & Milky Way. ISO 800 And as a total beginner 2 hours in photo shop as a trial to see if it is worth doing this in future. Your thoughts is the effort worth it ????

Lagoon Nebula - Trifid Nebula

04 Jun 2019 8 4 501
150-600 mm lens on the tracker. the new way of finding South I got a 1 min shot here is 50 min Of shot time with all the Back files as well. I am finally quite happy to go out at night and take photos. I was not able to use the Laser pointer as we had French photographers who came to WA to enjoy our night skies. It took me 4 shot at 150 mm to find them. Enjoy. PIP is the milky way view find the Nebula's or look at the next photo.

Last Night

02 Jun 2019 15 4 474
Take II Night sky ISO 400 4 Min tracked Ground ISO 400 4 min Untracked with LLL. 30 min in Photo shop Look forward to the next . I think a very worth while tool in my night sky. is the shot from same spot with 600mm lens.

Full Moon

19 Jun 2019 16 12 617
What can you do when you have no clouds clear skies but you are at home because its a full moon. This is very basic alignment and 33 shots taken on the tracker on moon mode and stacked together. Enjoy a Full moon taken just after it came up over the roof at 8pm. This is well worth looking at it full size on black.

Core Of the Milky way- full size is best.

03 Aug 2019 17 9 437
At the end of the night I put the 14mm on the tracker and took the Milky Way which by this time was right above my head. this is 6 shots stacked together of 4 min exposure time each I went for ten but the dew build up was far too strong on the latters shots. A note I have replaced the laptop edit now I have my desktop back. Enjoy some of outer space.


03 Aug 2019 6 2 369
This is 56 shots on the tracker plus all the Back files in this case I did 56 to match as well noise Vignetting and Dark frames. A better shot than the first up trial I did an indication the set up works. The difference between the photos is 8 months and Carina has tilted 90 degrees to the right from the first shot I took early in the year.

Take two- Pack Man

01 Aug 2019 7 2 211
4 min Sky tracked 4 min ground untracked and LLL.

Southern Stars.

19 Aug 2019 8 5 391
I got a little down hearted with the results from the Tamron 150-600. So I went old school so I purchased a 300mm F4 AF-S D lens and added my 1.4 converter on the back. this lens has no VR so not very good for day use but perfect for my manual use at night. you are looking at first set of photos In DX mode 630mm from my back yard (Yes my back yard) in the city in city lights. cant wait for Wednesday night to go bush. 19 shots stacked ISO640 30sec. Enjoy the Southern skies.

SMC & C104 Globular Cluster

25 Aug 2019 9 8 340
Second look at this group with the 300 prime lens. PIP first visit early in the year.

Running Chicken Nebula

27 Aug 2019 4 2 339
A very Faint Nebula , Still cant see the chicken though.

Tarancula Nebula

27 Aug 2019 3 2 287
Right next to the Large Magellanic Cloud. This will have to be redone as It was too low and partially spoilt by Truck head light. Only just found out about it when I was going out.

47Tuc Globular Cluster

21 Aug 2019 6 2 332
Took some finding as I was in the flight path of planes and was not able to use the laser. I was foiled by the Rising Moon getting more than 20 shots.

238 items in total