Large Magallenic Cloud

NEQ6 Pro Sky-Watcher & EQM 35 GOTO Sky-Watcher

Tracker For Stars

Barnards Loop

21 Dec 2022 16 21 168
A shot 3 years in the taking, One I wanted to take on the Star Adventurer but never could Barnard's Loop. Polar alignment and Guiding where the two biggest problems. This is a Wide field of the Orion area with a Nikon 50mm G F1.8 lens but will try again once I can get my parents Nikon 50mm D F1.8 lens with a manual aperture ring. This was taken over 5 night and dumped a lot of shot as the lens is so wide field the city light made it into the shot, in the end it was start after 9 pm finish 2am. Orion was corrected with 5min and 2 min shots. For those in the Northern hemisphere will note that Orion is wrong this is Southern Rotation where it is called the pot as the stars look more like a Pot that Orion's belt and Sword. The PIP's will show you some of the main targets from this area. ZWOASI071MC -10 38 shots each of the 5 nights 10min Optolong LeNhance filter, Nikon 50 mm f1.8 G Lens Skywatcher NEQ 6 Pro Hypertuned Guided PHD2, SGP Pixinsight, Ps, Lr.

Rosette Nebula NGC 2244

26 Dec 2022 18 10 233
This is a close up as I can get with current setup the detail in the nebula is just perfect. QHY 183C -10c 38 shots each night 10 min each over four nights. MeLE Mini PC Pegasus Astro Pocket Mini power box Prima Luce Essato Focus Optolong LeNhance filter, Skywatcher Black DiamondED80 OTA Skywatcher NEQ 6 Pro SVbony 50MM Guide scope QHY QHY5L-II-M Guide camera Guided PHD2, Nina Pixinsight, Ps

PHD2 Guiding

01 Jan 2023 3 5 128
This screen shot is answer to the question that DJ raised on this shot. To explain this shot This the guiding program you can see very simply the stars it has locked on BOX and all the green circles. The bottom graph shows the commands on the mount to hold it to that position. This is affected by the night tonight we have some moon light the yellow and white line at the top show its not the best night which is mostly very flat no moon. the two boxes to the right shot the star in the cross hair the target next door shows just how much movement to keep it on track. The better polar alignment the better the guiding, the better the mount ability to track from these commands the rounder the star.Also why less weight of cables is very desirable as well. The converse is the red and blue lines wildly swinging high and low and the dot on the target plasters all over the place not mostly in the dead center. This is all run by what looks like a small telescope on the top of the telescope and the great program. This is Live from tonight as it is happening. Like this I am happy and can go to bed.

Dreyer's Nebula IC 447

04 Dec 2023 9 8 168
Dreyers nebula is a reflection nebula one of those not so easy with my gear better with coloured filters. QHY 183C -10c 38 shots each night 10 min each over Three nights. MeLE Mini PC Pegasus Astro Pocket Mini power box Prima Luce Essato Focus Optolong LeNhance filter, Skywatcher Black DiamondED80 OTA Skywatcher NEQ 6 Pro SVbony 50MM Guide scope QHY QHY5L-II-M Guide camera Guided PHD2, Nina Pixinsight, Ps .

Lower's Nebula SH2-261

05 Jan 2023 9 6 154
Lower's nebula (Sh2-261) is found on the outermost edge of our Milkyway between the Orion and Perseus arm. The target is very close to the Dreyer's Nebula that you see right next door. This was cut short by the moon rising to this target but the three nights data yield is very good target. I want to do two targets that are in the same area so I have to wait for at least 6 days to get the targets free of direct moon light. This looks to me all the look of a brain. QHY 183C -10c 34 shots each night 10 min each over Three nights. MeLE Mini PC Pegasus Astro Pocket Mini power box Prima Luce Essato Focus Optolong LeNhance filter, Skywatcher Black DiamondED80 OTA Skywatcher NEQ 6 Pro SVbony 50MM Guide scope QHY QHY5L-II-M Guide camera Guided PHD2, Nina Pixinsight, Ps .

Carina Core NGC3372

08 Jan 2023 13 8 178
This was not a target I was after but this was away from the moon light. The filter does a good job of removing the moon light as long as you are looking AWAY from the moon. So as my real targets are right next to the rising moon I have to do a few away. This is the closest view of Carina I have taken this now means I have used all my camera's and Lens to capture this huge Nebula to get differing views. . The learning curve also extends to the Editing process as well that is an on going learning curve. Enjoy the Jewel of the Southern hemisphere. this is the one visible Nebula if you are away from the city lights you can see with your naked eye if someone shows you where it is. ED 80 And D810 Camera ED80 and ZWOASI071MCPro Nikon 300mm lens and ZWOASI071Mc Pro QHY 183C -10c 68 shots each night 5 min each over Two nights. MeLE Mini PC Pegasus Astro Pocket Mini power box Prima Luce Essato Focus Optolong LeNhance filter, Skywatcher Black DiamondED80 OTA Skywatcher NEQ 6 Pro SVbony 50MM Guide scope QHY QHY5L-II-M Guide camera Guided PHD2, Nina Pixinsight, Ps .


13 Jan 2023 13 16 165
This is a Colour Photo of Gum 15 in contrast to My first effort with filters and Borrowed B/W camera. This has always reminded me of an apple and a hand (three finger like an Avatar) stealing the apple. Each side you can see the two big nebulas encroaching in the shot. This Taken from my backyard in the city of Perth an improvement in understanding as some new tools editing has take a big leap for the better. Results like this was alway my main aim when I started. QHY 183C -10c 38 shots each night 10 min each over Three nights. MeLE Mini PC Pegasus Astro Pocket Mini power box Prima Luce Essato Focus Optolong LeNhance filter, Skywatcher Black DiamondED80 OTA Skywatcher NEQ 6 Pro Hypertuned SVbony 50MM Guide scope QHY QHY5L-II-M Guide camera Guided PHD2, Nina Pixinsight, Ps .

Orion nebula NGC 1976

13 Jan 2023 16 13 166
I was starting to do the Witches head but the camera would not focus not matter what I did. My thought was where the stars too Faint. so I turned to Orion with it big bright star. I did get focus but it turned out the program kept asking me to increase the step size . It turned out it was the very opposite I had to make the steps smaller to the perfect curve. I had planned to do this as a one shot for both which i still will be doing Plus a 50mm shot of the whole area and the Huge Bernard's Loop of the Whole Orion Area. This is 148 shot 2 min long all night long then the next night I had to take shorter shots 60 sec , 30sec and 15 sec to over come the blown out core of Orion. The following where my first look at this area with the nikon D810 camera and 420mm lens. QHY 183C -10c 148 shots & 138 shot 2 min over two nights. MeLE Mini PC Pegasus Astro Pocket Mini power box Prima Luce Essato Focus Optolong LeNhance filter, Skywatcher Black DiamondED80 OTA Skywatcher NEQ 6 Pro SVbony 50MM Guide scope QHY QHY5L-II-M Guide camera Guided PHD2, Nina Pixinsight, Ps PTGui.

Two sides of the mount.

14 Jan 2023 9 8 130
Dont be fooled its not two but the two sides together as one photo. this is the complexity of the mount that takes the photos you are seeing. its hidden behind the run down shed it was sitting on sand but I built a base I can lift away and the fake grass to keep the sand down. there are three wall of shade cloth to try and kill the winds like tonight. This is the permanent home of all the gear till I change it it stays outside 24/7/365 but covered for the condition sun or rain. Now as most of the mount parts run from 12 V the lithium battery now sit under the middle of the mount. no longer do I run from a computer outside it all done by net work cable into the desktop inside my room. for those astute to notice there is a funny small weight at the bottom of the weight bar this is the final balance weight that can be mover full 360 degrees. once balanced where I put the mount with both clutched off it stays there, test walk away for 5 min see if it moves. it is so finely balanced leave the scope lens cap on mount will not sit still if you balanced it with no cap. wires enough to get you confused thats for sure but all are 100% logical, only thing you are not seeing is my cheap plastic( shopping bag) dew cover that covers over all the wires and connection points as a kind of rain coat..

Jelly Fish Nebula IC443

18 Jan 2023 15 14 183
I have to say I have been beaten by nature so this is what I have... We have clouds next few night. This is on the Northern Track of the Milky way Does not get very high so very prone to City lights.two night put it far too low to try for more shots. I think I have left this on way too late( waiting for the moon to die down) as in did not get much above the trees and power lines. There is a whole lot more below and right that this two shot panorama did not capture. This was set up with camera rotation on the field of view in Nina and I have to say this two shot panorama is 100% perfect in the way it was pictured and how it came out. This was to be a 6 night group of shots but clouds have killed it as it is really now far too low to try for more shots after the clouds pass,this is three night 25 shots panel one bottom of image but the main the top panel is only 2 night at 25 shots per night. To say I am a little surprised that it has come out fairly well for the number of shots and the clarity of shots above the city lights. I hope to come back to this next year to get the whole area with the Nikon 300mm lens. enjoy a few of the odd balls of space. QHY 183C -10c 25 shots each night 10 min each over Three nights panel 1 and 2 night panel 2. MeLE Mini PC Pegasus Astro Pocket Mini power box Prima Luce Essato Focus Optolong LeNhance filter, Skywatcher Black DiamondED80 OTA Skywatcher NEQ 6 Pro Hypertuned SVbony 50MM Guide scope QHY QHY5L-II-M Guide camera Guided PHD2, Nina Pixinsight, Ps .

NDC3324 Gabriela Mistral.

26 Jan 2023 11 12 165 The nebula is Named after the Chilean Poet when you see the photo in the link above you can miss the profile in the side. small part of the huge Carina nebula that is only seen in the Southern skies this is three nights worth of shots 41 Shots each night. QHY 183C -10c 41 shots each night 10 min each over Three nights.. MeLE Mini PC Pegasus Astro Pocket Mini power box Prima Luce Essato Focus Optolong LeNhance filter, Skywatcher Black DiamondED80 OTA Skywatcher NEQ 6 Pro Hypertuned SVbony 50MM Guide scope QHY QHY5L-II-M Guide camera Guided PHD2, Nina Pixinsight, Ps .

Ship Sailing On a Sea of Stars Keel Nebula NGC3199

01 Feb 2023 15 8 169
The Ancient Mariner NGC 3199 one I took before but it never looked like this at all, An old wooden ship sailing on a sea of stars. This is a shot I did want to come back to and do it some justice as I was not happy with the first one I did. Now I believe I have done it some justice this time so much so I am also taking the other nebula in the first shot as well NGC3247. QHY 183C -10c 41 shots each night 10 min each over Three nights.. MeLE Mini PC Pegasus Astro Pocket Mini power box Prima Luce Essato Focus Optolong LeNhance filter, Skywatcher Black DiamondED80 OTA Skywatcher NEQ 6 Pro Hypertuned SVbony 50MM Guide scope QHY QHY5L-II-M Guide camera Guided PHD2, Nina Pixinsight, Ps .

Keel Nebula and NGC3247

03 Feb 2023 9 6 175
this is three night for the Keel top photo but only two night the bottom NGC3247. I knew they where close but got quite a shock to see them come together . this is not set up as a panorama but just two single shots of the area. you will note that this is the correct rotation of the Keel but does not look any thing like the ship. through better editing more of the background detail shows up.

NGC 3247

05 Feb 2023 8 4 140
This sits close to the Old ship and both are a part of the Carina Complex. Next on down is Gabriella Mistrol at the top of Carina. This is the largest Nebula we have in our skies can be seen out of the city on a dark night. You can see this with your eyes no need for a telescope but its lost in the city lights. The second try at this is like the Keel so much better than the first time around but not at all set up like the first time as a deliberate panorama. QHY 183C -10c 41 shots each night 10 min each over Three nights.. MeLE Mini PC Pegasus Astro Pocket Mini power box Prima Luce Essato Focus Optolong LeNhance filter, Skywatcher Black DiamondED80 OTA Skywatcher NEQ 6 Pro Hypertuned SVbony 50MM Guide scope QHY QHY5L-II-M Guide camera Guided PHD2, Nina Pixinsight, Ps .

Statue Of Liberty NGC3576

13 Feb 2023 13 14 187
This is the view I was after when the USB plug broke on the camera March last year. This proved to be a marathon getting images as the mount threw up a curveball and at this stage still not sure if I have found the answer to the problem. Below is the first shot more detail and Nebulosity. This will be my last photo for a vey long time as I do a huge panorama of the Milky way of some 40 odd shots. Enjoy it. QHY 183C -10c 21 shots each night 10 min each over Five night.. MeLE Mini PC Pegasus Astro Pocket Mini power box Prima Luce Essato Focus Optolong LeNhance filter, Skywatcher Black DiamondED80 OTA Skywatcher NEQ 6 Pro Hypertuned SVbony 50MM Guide scope QHY5L-II-M Guide camera Guided PHD2, Nina Pixinsight, Ps .

Nina shot list in planning.

17 Feb 2023 8 17 101
This gives you an idea of the complexity of try to shoot the milky way as a panorama. This is 12 panels from just above Carina to the pointers . the interesting thing is Nina has all those panels rotated to the same degree so only one rotation for the whole lot, we shall see. I will have to do another after that to get to the area the other one started in the fighting dragons area. Each panel will be a night shot and in this case as fast as I can as its clear.

Half way to the Fighting dragons

04 Mar 2023 17 24 250
This is 12 shots as the milky way as it rises in our Southern Skies as per the plan by nina, This Is Not Seen North Of The Equator. This is half way to where I want to get there is another panorama of 12 shots to go. Each Panel is a night worth of shots then added to PtGui to get the panorama. ZWOASI071MC -10 43 shots per night 600 sec rotated 80 degrees. Nikon 105 mm f2.8 G Lens Skywatcher NEQ 6 Pro Hypertuned Guided PHD2, SGP Pixinsight, Ps Lr. Below are some of the targets that I have shot from this area. Hand Cluster The Ship NGC3247 Carina Wishing Well Cluster Southern Tadpoles The Southern Pieiades Statue Of Liberty Running Chichen The full panorama will stretch from the top ot the large tree down to and just out of sight on the left hand side.

The Southern Milky Way I see

19 Mar 2023 7 6 216
While I was editing the shot from last night I looked at the Shots and saw they joined the other Panorama well. While Ptgui was able to put it together I could not see the shot as it was 115898 x 73441 pix size not just big, huge. This is the 10th go at trying to get a shot that would save on the computer. In the end I hit on the idea of cutting the two down in size to below Half full size. This is a even further cut down of the shot that came out to get it on to Ipernity. This is 5 panoramas to get this length 42 panels or 21 long x 2 wide. I was able to get on top of Nina's Rotation as well as this is how the second half ( which is the right hand side) was taken. This put paid to the idea to get the rest of the milky way very late winter to finish out the left hand side. It will now never been done as my small computer cant handle the Huge files. Just editing this File size 31265x 5960 pix 2.75 GB a lot of the editing was 5 min each part. I am happy the way this has come out The head of the Emu and the body Show up very well as do the pointers and the Southern Cross. This Shot of the Milky way Bow gives you a good idea just what you are looking at a bit more than the whole left hand side of the Bow. I have not added the PiPs to this if you wish to see click on the two top images to see them. The Jewel Box one I have been meaning to take. ZWOASI071MC -10 43 shots per night 600 sec rotated . MeLE Mini PC Pegasus Astro Pocket Mini power box Nikon 105 mm f2.8 G Lens Skywatcher NEQ 6 Pro Hypertuned Guided PHD2, Nina Pixinsight, Ps Lr.

238 items in total