Morning light and shadow



Morning light and shadow

Upstairs Downstairs

#30 The European robin (Erithacus rubecula)

Montford Bridge over the River Severn

Euston Road

26 May 2011 5 4 744
UNISON is one of the UK's largest trade unions, serving more than 1.3 million members.

Happisburgh coastal erosion

27 Oct 2014 9 11 842
The village of Happisburgh in Norfolk is being consumed by coastal erosion. The coastline on which the village sits is being eroded by the sea at a rate of 12 metres per year. I have been visiting this area for the past 3 years, and have seen this rapid deterioration with my own eyes. Buildings have toppled down the cliffs, and caravan sites have had to be moved. A new car park has had to be constructed - the last one is no longer there. The sea is relentless, and the cliffs are very fragile. On the day this photo was taken, the sea was quiet, but storms last winter caused much devastation.

Revolving Torsion kinetic sculpture/fountain by Na…

Canal reflections

The first touch of Autumn on Grasmere

08 Oct 2012 21 8 716
Grasmere is one of the smaller lakes of the English Lake District, in the county of Cumbria. It gives its name to the village of Grasmere, famously associated with the poet William Wordsworth, which lies immediately to the north of the lake. We were here for a long weekend for our Grandson's wedding and had marvellous weather for the time of year.

Smoke on the water

08 Oct 2012 58 30 1211
October bonfires can create some nice effects. Smoke On The Water - Deep Purple

Frankton Staircase Locks

13 Dec 2014 8 3 685
The building seen to the left was the Old Canal Tavern, and the small building to the right was a stable clock.

The tree line

04 Jan 2015 14 5 751
Long frosty shadows. Creaking ice, green tipped snowdrops. The pleasures of winter.

West Runton. Heaven on Earth

Chollerford Bridge

10 Oct 2013 13 4 704
Chollerford Bridge is a stone bridge that replaced an earlier medieval bridge crossing the River North Tyne[1] at Chollerford, Northumberland, England. It is a Grade II listed building. It was built in 1785 by Robert Mylne after the previous bridge had been swept away in the great floods of 1771.

999 items in total