Team's most commented articles

  • "Who is online" is back / "Qui est connecté" est de retour :)

    [EN] As announced in our previous article , the "Who is online?" feature is back. Of course, you can decide who can see that you are online on ipernity in your privacy settings . Have a nice week-end! Note : there is no chatting possibilities for the moment. The old chat was too buggy, so we unplugged it. It'll take several weeks before retrieving a Chat feature on ipernity. [FR] Comme annoncé dans notre précédent article , la rubrique "Qui est connecté ?" es…

  • [FR] Quelques nouvelles avant le week-end

    Bon week-end les amis !
    Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! Voici quelques nouvelles fraîches avant le week-end ... Nous vivons actuellement une situation exceptionnelle avec une arrivée massive de nouveaux utilisateurs qui ont fait le choix d'ipernity pour partager leurs photos dans un cadre de qualité. Nous en sommes ravis ! Nous faisons notre possible pour accueillir cet afflux exceptionnel. Quelques ralentissements et dysfonctionnements mineurs sont encore à prévoir, mais cela devrait être oublié d'ici peu.…

  • [FR] A propos de la promotion des groupes

    Bonjour à toutes et à tous Un débat animé s'est installé depuis quelques semaines à propos de la promotion des groupes dans les commentaires postés sous les photos. Nous avons entendu les arguments des personnes pour et contre et nous avons décidé d'apporter quelques améliorations au service pour tenter - nous l'espérons - de satisfaire tout le monde. Nous ne souhaitons toujours pas que les commentaires soient utilisés pour faire la promotion des groupes. Pourquoi ? Parce que ces commen…

  • Some fresh news / Quelques infos / Ein paar Neuigkeiten / Notizie fresche

    [EN] Hello all, here are some fresh news about ipernity: 1) We are upsizing our technical platform, and everything seems to go well (fortunately ;-)) 2) "groups" feature and API documentation are our priority and we are working on. 3) Translation is on the way also. We are currently reviewing Italian. German, Spanish, Portuguese will follow(thanks again to translators). By the way, we try to find time everyday to work on small features/improvements. Web alias : you may now use y…

  • Groups? Hold your breath / Retenez votre souffle ;-)

    [EN] Groups feature is almost ready. We've worked hard until this week-end to respect the deadline we've given. We are intensively testing the feature. It remains some minor bugs and we are fixing them. We want to be sure everything is going well before opening Groups to you. Opening Groups right now would not be a wise decision: we need to sleep a little bit ;-), to refresh our minds and to test again tomorrow, quietly. Just to be sure we'll propose you a quality and robust service. It's just a…

  • [DE] Entwickeln Sie Ihre Fotos mit ipernity!

    Dear all, this is a message targetted to members living in Germany or France only. We've just launched photo printing services, available first for these countries. We plan to propose photo printing to other areas soon. We'll keep you in touch in this blog! neu! Entwickeln Sie Ihre Fotos mit ipernity!   Von 0,09 € ! Entwicklung mit Qualität auf Kodak Royal Papier durch unseren Partner CEWE , dem Europäischen Marktführer. Versand in 48 Stunden ! Wir schla…

  • New feeds! Nouveaux fils !

    [EN] Have a look at our Feeds section! You'll find new feeds concerning public docs, comments and activity in your space. Let's experiment! For privacy reasons, feeds about comments and activity in your space are available in authenticated mode only. Let us know your feedback/experience on that point. We also plan to propose soon feeds of docs from your network. [DE] Sehen sie sich unseren Feed-Bereich an! Sie werden neue Feeds für öffentliche Dokumente sowie Kommentare und…

  • Improvement! Access to originals, big sizes and sharing codes

    [EN] Hello all! You can now fine-tune access to your originals, to your big (1024px) thumbnails and to your docs sharing (HTML) codes. Have a look at your Preferences / Originals & Exifs [DE] Hallo zusammen! Sie können ab sofort den Zugriff auf Ihre großen (1024px) Vorschauen und Ihre Verteil-Codes (HTML) feiner einstellen. Schauen Sie Sich Ihre Einstellungen / Originale und Exif-Daten Seite an. [FR] Bonjour tout le monde ! Vous pouvez désomais régler finement l'accès à vos o…

  • New "Suggest a group" feature / New API methods

    New "Suggest a group" feature We've just improved the process to suggest adding documents to groups. In a few words: -- group admins no longer need to use comments to make suggestions (no more spam!) -- doc owners are notified of suggestions in their Activity page -- doc owners no longer need to join a group before adding a suggested document -- suggestions are centralized for each document on its main page Here is how it works now: [1] Group administrators can now suggest adding…

  • Outage today for 2 hours

    [EN] As some of you may have noticed, ipernity has been down for about two hours this morning. The outage was caused by an extraordinary load on one of our databases which caused a side effect on the whole website. We are now analysing the situation and going to take mesures against this problem for the future. We apologize for any inconvenience. [NL] Zoals sommigen van jullie misschien gemerkt hebben lag ipernity eruit vanmorgen gedurende ongeveer twee uren. De storing werd veroorzaakt doo…

  • An iper new year ;-)

    Wishing you and yours an iper New Year! . . Cards freshly posted by our dear members...

  • ipernity, partner of the Sony World Photography Awards 2009

    ipernity is proud to be official partner of the Festival at Sony World Photography Awards, taking place in Cannes, France from 14th to 19th April 2009. It's a week-long celebration of the photographic culture, history and image. The City of Cannes will host over 50 photographic exhibitions throughout eclectic city landmarks, public and private venues - all open for the public to attend . For the professional, amateur and photography enthusiast, there will be a choice of seminars, book sign…

  • New slideshow

    [EN] Try out our new slideshow ! -- truly multimedia : photos, videos and audio tracks are played -- fullscreen mode -- "on the fly" fave button -- sharing code to embed in your ipernity blog or your Web site. You can launch slideshows from members galleries, albums, groups. And soon you'll be able to view search results as slideshows (including tag search). [FR] Essayez notre nouveau diaporama ! - réellement multimédia : les photos, les vidéos et les p…

  • 2023 IGA - Agenda

    Agenda of the Ipernity General Assembly 2023 (IGA2023) Ordre du jour de l'Assemblée Générale d'Ipernity 2023 (IGA2023) Tagesordnung der Ipernity-Mitglieder-Generalversammlung 2023 (IGA2023)

  • First ipernity collective exhibition in Bologna, Italy

    presents 1st ipernity Collective Exhibition in Bologna October 17, 2009 On Saturday, October 17, 2009, an important event for all the participants in the next 4th ipernity members meeting in Bologna will be organized. Together with the photographers’ association based in Bologna called “ Piccolo Formato ”, we will organize a special event dedicated to all the ipernity members who will come to Bologna. A sort of self-made collective exhibition that will be held on Saturday…

  • New ipernity logo contest opened to skilled and inspired members ;-)

    Hello all, Among the several projects we are working on (nothing released yet, but it's coming... ), we aim to improve our visual identity, including a new logo . We've just opened a logo contest with prize @ ,a popular site for crowd-sourced graphics. Here's a great opportunity for skilled members to submit their ideas and maybe have the chance to be the new ipernity logo designer ;-) The contest will close on September, 21st 2009. So hurry up! If you feel inspired..…

  • Mobile site update: groups, member search ...

    [EN] In using from your mobile phone, you can now: -- browse and search for groups ; -- search for members; -- manage your relation to other members: add to/remove from your network, block .... Opera Mobile and Blackberry 95x and 97x users are now automatically routed to the *touch* version. More improvements to come. Discover how to use ipernity from your mobile phone. [FR] En utilisant de votre téléphone mob…

  • 2024 IGA - Agenda

    Agenda of the Ipernity General Assembly 2024 (IGA2024) Ordre du jour de l'Assemblée Générale d'Ipernity 2024 (IGA2024) Tagesordnung der Ipernity-Mitglieder-Generalversammlung 2024 (IGA2024)

  • [FR] Le nouveau logiciel d'import ipernity Uploader est disponible !

    Repose en paix iperUpload , tu étais vieux et buggué mais tu nous as rendu de fiers services... Avec notre tout nouveau logiciel ipernity Uploader , importer vos contenus n'a jamais été aussi facile: idéal pour les imports volumineux vous pouvez choisir des dossiers entiers redimensionnez vos photos automatiquement decider du meilleur moment pour lancer l'import compatible Windows / Mac OS X Essayez-le maintenant !

  • 2022-03-04 Agenda of the IGA 2022

    Agenda of the Ipernity General Assembly 2022 (IGA2022) Ordre du jour de l'Assemblée Générale d'Ipernity 2022 (IGA2022) Tagesordnung der Ipernity-Mitglieder-Generalversammlung 2022 (IGA2022)

494 articles in total