Team's most commented articles

  • New menu / Nouveau menu

    [EN] You can now access with one click your photos, your groups, your contacts... wherever you are. [FR] Vous pouvez désormais accéder en un clic à vos photos, groupes, contacts... d'où que vous soyez.

  • [EN] Some fresh news before the week-end...

    Weekend word.
    Hello all! Some fresh news for you before the week-end... Add a photo to a group or an album Maybe you have already noticed that you can now add a photo to several groups (albums) at the same time. Share your album folders on your social networks The Facebook, Twitter and Google+ sharing buttons are now available for the brand new album folders. Of course, you decide whether these buttons are displayed on your pages or not ( see your settings related to social networks ).…

  • IGA (ipernity general assembly) 2024

    ima team
    Dear Full Club Members of ipernity, The IGA 2024 will take place on Sunday, April 7, 2024, 6pm Paris (16:00 UTC). Please check your clock for the correct time in your country. Your time zone ============================================================ We encourage all full club members to attend. ▶️ Follow this link to the sign up procedure . The verification of your identity is only necessary, if you are participating for the first time. Otherwise, we only require…

  • Feedback on the group news page / Votre retour sur la page actualité des groupes

    A screenshot of the group news page (beta)
    [EN] Hello all, A few months ago we made available a new group news page. You will find more information here We would like to get a second opinion so please feel free to tell us what you think. Looking forward to your feedback. Have a great week-end! Catch you soon! The ipernity Team [FR] Bonjour à tous, Il y a quelques mois, nous avons mis à votre disposition une nouvelle page d'actualité pour vos groupes. Vous trouverez plus d'informations ici…

  • [FR] Un oubli enfin réparé : le partage par email

    Très curieusement, il n'était jusque là pas possible de partager de contenu par email sur ipernity ^^ Voilà chose réparée ! Vous trouverez désormais sur les pages photos, albums, articles et docs un bouton de partage par email. Nous utilisons pour cela votre propre système d'email pour que vous puissiez utiliser votre propre carnet d'adresses email. Notez que votre choix de système email sera mémorisé et proposé en premier dans la liste. Pour le moment, seuls les contenus publics, visib…

  • New backup facility for your albums

    [EN] Good news: the well awaited feature that enables you to download to your computer the entire content of your albums is now finally available. >> Everything is explained in details in our help section<< There is no simple way to download in just a few clicks the content of an album that can reach up to 2000 photos and several gigs of data. We therefore are offering the best compromise we have found. What you must know: 1) This feature is restricted to the members of the ipern…

  • 2019-03-07 Instructions for attending the IGA2019

    Instructions for attending the IGA2019 ./. Instructions pour assister à l’IGA2019 ./. Anleitung zur Teilnahme an der IGA2019

  • New "replace" feature for PROs / Nouvelle fonction "remplacer" pour les PROs

    [EN] Now you can replace a document  with another one. You'll find a "Replace this document" link in the "More information" section at the bottom right of documents pages. You may replace a doc with a same type doc only (you cannot replace a picture with a video for instance). Inappropriate use of doc replacement could cause negative impacts (what about comments or favorites if content changes radically?). That's the reason we've decided to limit usage of this feature to PRO membe…

  • Group limit changed to 100 (en) / Limite des groupes à 100 (fr)

    [EN] Just a quick post to say we've heard the few non-pro members complaining about the 10 groups limit. Something is true : your support is more important that selling pro accounts. Even if pro accounts is the only way to pay the bills ;) [FR] Juste une petite note pour indiquer que nous avons pris en compte les quelques plaintes de membres non-pro. Une chose est certaine : votre implication et votre confort sont plus importants que la vente de comptes pro. Même si nous insistons sur le fa…

  • [EO] Aldonu al Klaku!

    [EO] Karaj membroj-esperantistoj, ni ekde nun regalas vin per la eblo facile aldoni ipernity-ligilojn al la kupolo (la de Esperanto). Vi trovos la butonon «aldonu al klaku» sube de la paĝo. Ni klaku!

  • New feeds! Nouveaux fils !

    [EN] Have a look at our Feeds section! You'll find new feeds concerning public docs, comments and activity in your space. Let's experiment! For privacy reasons, feeds about comments and activity in your space are available in authenticated mode only. Let us know your feedback/experience on that point. We also plan to propose soon feeds of docs from your network. [DE] Sehen sie sich unseren Feed-Bereich an! Sie werden neue Feeds für öffentliche Dokumente sowie Kommentare und…

  • New help / Neue Hilfe / Nouvelle aide / Nieuwe hulp / Nova helpo

    [EN] It took time but our new help section is now online! You can access it through the " Help " link located at the bottom (and in your header when you are logged) of each ipernity page. You'll find a new FAQ and direct access to documentations. This is a very beginning: we'll add soon help forums, API doc... A big thank to our dear translators: Luke , Phill , Oscar , Madcore , Paolo , Marco , Pixmesh , Joerg , Lars , deborahf , assbach , Paul , Cindy , LaPingvino , Lode ,…

  • 2021-04-22 Server Maintenance ⚠️

    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, A server hardware replacement will take place between 12:00 and 14:00 CEST on Friday 23, April 2021 . This will result in a short downtime (5 to 10 minutes) of our website. We ask for your understanding. Your ima team

  • ipernity ouvre son capital et prépare son entrée en bourse / ipernity is opening up its share capital and is preparing to be listed on Euronext stock market

    [EN] Dear ipernauts, No news from us since a long time. Now we can give you the reason: we are currently focused on a funds raising process to provide ipernity with more means, to increase its development and to make your favorite site one of tomorrow's leading Web services. Rather than looking for venture capital, we decided to open up ipernity's share capital to French wealth taxpayers. Indeed, a new French law (named TEPA) allows French wealth taxpayers (ISF) to deduct up to 75% of thei…

  • [EN] Introducing the new content rating/filtering system

    Version française ici Dear all, The ipernity community is as varied as the content it hosts. Some content may offend users or be unsuitable for children. So that everyone has a positive experience on ipernity, and since our current system is not perfect, we'll release soon a new content rating/filtering system. We planned to release this system last February but we underestimated the complexity of such project. Again, we apologize for this long delay. Now we are close to the end.…

  • [DE] Lebendig und am Arbeiten

    German translation of this article - Thanks to Dirk Hallo zusammen Lange ist es her, seit unserer letzten Meldung. Wir gingen fälschlicher Weise davon aus, dass keine Meldungen nötig wären, wenn keine Verbesserungen an ipernity gemacht werden. Das war etwas ungeschickt, verzeihen Sie uns dies bitte. Was ist in den letzten 12 Monaten passiert? Anfang 2010 begannen wir, ein Inhaltsbewertungs-System zu entwickeln, um Minderjährige vor ungeeigneten Inhalten zu schützen. Währ…

  • Good news for Flickr free accounts...

    The Flickr.importer script also works for free accounts on Flickr. And we are working on the Fl ickr2ipernity script to make it work for free accounts on Flickr as well. *edit : the Flickr2ipernity script also works for free accounts! => Scripts are here <=

  • Permalinks are back / Les permaliens sont de retour !

    [EN] As requested by many of you the permalinks are now back on ipernity! You can find them at the bottom of each comment and group discussion. Permalinks will soon be integrated into the news pages to make them easier to use. What is a permalink? [FR] Comme demandé par beaucoup d'entre vous les permaliens sont maintenant de retour sur ipernity ! Vous pouvez les trouver en bas de chaque commentaire et discussion de groupe. Les permaliens seront très prochainement intégrés dans…

  • Pin your discussions / Epinglez vos discussions

    [EN] As a group administrator, from time to time you may need to pin certain discussions to the top of the list? It's now possible! By the way, we've also added a new "medium" view for contributions :) [FR] Vous êtes administrateur d'un groupe et ressentez parfois le besoin d'épingler en tête de liste certaines discussions ? C'est désormais possible ! Au passage, nous avons également ajouté une nouvelle vue "moyennes" pour les contributions :)

  • [FR] Suggestions de groupes : nouveautés

    Comme annoncé plus tôt , nous venons d'apporter quelques améliorations concernant les suggestions d'ajout de photos et de docs dans des groupes. L'objectif est d'apporter une meilleure visibilité aux suggestions de groupes, tout en donnant un meilleur contrôle aux différents acteurs (propriétaires de contenus, visiteurs, administrateurs de groupes). A. Vous avez désormais le choix entre : - interdire les suggestions de groupe dans votre espace : dans ce cas le bouton "suggérer un gr…

494 articles in total