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  • Reasons why I like ambient music 8/10

    Fading Glow
    Because there are so many options to listen music online, I have not much bought albums anymore. Last one I did bought as a CD, was Opalescent by Jon Hopkins . And because it has collected dust in the bookshelf, I had almost fogotten it. But lately I have rediscovered it thanks to SoundCloud and Deezer. Jon Hopkins - Singularity from Khalid Mohtaseb on Vimeo . And once again, such music gives food for the thought: Open Eye Signal - Jon Hopkins from AOIFE MCARDLE…

  • Reasons why I like ambient music 4/10

    Because it can be super relaxing, as it was claimed in case of Weightless by Marconi Union . There are of course also so called meditation music and soundscapes, like sounds of nature , Tibetan singing bowls and binaural beats . Marconi Union - Weightless Part 5 from JustMusicTV on YouTube And if that is not long enough, you can also try the 10 hour version of it. But music in general can of course stimulate or put the mind in rest. And what works for human mind can…

  • Reasons why I like ambient music 5/10

    Spring is in the air
    I give you great French gift for the world. Air is one of the most wonderful French ambient music bands there has ever been, in my opinion. As compared to Jean-Michel Jarre , who is maybe more famous, Air has manage to make their music more emotionally appealing. Jarre I used to like in 1990s, but today his music just sounds too busy, like stuffed with too many sounds and elemenst. One could even say that Jarre is too "electronic". Here's a nice sample for you to watch and listen.…

  • Reasons why I like ambient music 6/10

    Thinking inside the box
    Few years ago I got very fond of SoundCloud . They provided free use without nasty advertisements. During time, I collected a wonderful ambient music playlist there. But somewhat all wonderful things eventually comes to their end. Also SoundCloud started to play advertisements every now and then. However, SoundCloud still is a good place to find and listen interesting music. And if one can afford to pay for yet another online service, then ads of course gets removed. My favorite amb…

  • Reasons why I like ambient music 2/10

    Stretched shadows
    According to my email correspondence, it must have been year 2008 when I discovered SomaFM internet radio station that broadcasts a wide range of music on number of playlists. And my favorite playlist ever since I discovered SomaFM, has been their Groove Salad playlist, which consists of ambient and downtempo genres of music. The best part of SomaFM is that they do not advertise. Only the more or less obligatory broadcast call sign becomes mentioned every now and then. But to run su…

  • Reasons why I like ambient music 1/10

    First reason why I like ambient music
    Challenged by Luc Martin at Facebook, I will write a ten post "review" on web sites, artists, albums and musical pieces that has made me as a big fan of ambient music . I also give you a chance to find out more via my old image uploads made here at ipernity. First I of course need to define what ambient music is. I recall Brian Eno saying something like it is a " music that does not disrupt ambient sounds, and which does not become disrupted by the ambient sounds. ". So, one can listen t…

  • 2020-05-27 ⚠️ Server Maintenance ⚠️

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! An unexpected replacement of one main server will be necessary in the next few days. Therefore our website has to be completely shut down for a while. The date and time of the shutdown cannot be stated yet. It depends on how we progress with the preparations. The duration of the interruption could be 12 to 48 hours. We ask for your understanding. Your ima team [FR] Chers membres et amis d'ipernity ! Un remplacement inatt…

  • Competitive Comparison of Display

    Screenshot 2020-05-29 15.24.10
    1) Flickr Optical impression: ✅ Wide screen (responsive) ⛔️ Disorderly arrangement ⛔️ Little space between the pictures is annoying when viewing, ⛔️ Portrait format images are disadvantaged to landscape format images Information: ✅ Image description ⬜ Image title ( only visi…

  • 2020-04-03 Newsflash / COVID-19 Relief

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Last Sunday the Ipernity General Meeting IGA2020 took place. The attendance ( list of 43 participants ) was significantly better than last year (31 participants). 2) All major activities of the ima team and the progress made were presented in the report of the CEO . Particularly noteworthy is the successful differentiation of the previous unified club membership into needs-based subscription packages with different features. The number of…

  • PDF-XChange to get quick "screensaves"

    During the IGA2020 meeting it became clear that "old fashioned" image captures is not quick and reliable way to take backups. Retrospectively it was realized that there already is a great software to do in time snapshots of any basic computer program that allows one to print the page/file/work. And that is the PDF-XChange . Here I give a short introduction to the old paid version of it , when used together with Chrome browser . Unfortunately I later on discovered the new PDF-XChange L…

  • 2020-03-13 Official invitation to the Ipernity General Assembly 2020 (IGA2020)

    [EN] Dear club members of ipernity! 1) We hereby officially invite you to attend the IGA2020 in accordance with article VI,3 of the Statutes of the Ipernity Members Association as amended on March 5, 2019. 2) The IGA2020 will take place on Sunday, March 29, 2020 at 5pm CEST (15:00 UTC). It will take place as an online meeting via the ipernity platform . According to article V,1 of the Statutes, all club members with a paid account who are older than 16 years and have verified th…

  • l'atelier du 29 février

    Cendrillon n'a pas eu de Noël
    13 août 2020 : le hors piste démarre. 31 juillet 2020 : l'atelier est clos. 15 septembre 2020 : rallonge 29 février 2020 : je vous ai invités par deux fois à réaliser une coproduction. J'ai apprécié votre participation, toute confidentielle qu'elle fut. (reconnaissance éternelle etc ... à vous tous les participants) Je vous invite pour une troisième saison. Il y aurait dû avoir 50 items : je n'ai pas atteint le quota pour le challenge 50 du groupe " ". Ma pêche marque le pas au terme de 34 publications. S'il advenait que je puisse avancer dans ma quête, cette troisième saison s'en trouverait prolongée. Votre mission, si vous l'acceptez, est de composer à plusieurs un troisième opus. Les consignes : - jamais 2 publications consécutives par participant - une seule citation à la fois - aucun ordre à respecter dans les 34 items proposés - distinguer ce qui relève des commentaires et du "bagne litteraire" par quelques interlignes - référencer le numéro de la citation et intégrer cette dernière et l'horaire qui la précède en italique - les items ]... sont à inclure : sur les photos étaient écrits des mots ou des phrases; ne déchiffrant que l'alphabet latin, je n'ai pas pu transcrire ceux-ci... Afin d'adhérer aux images de la collecte ou échapper à celle-ci : BON VENT !!!

  • 2020-03-13 Nominations for the next ima Team

    [EN] In accordance with the statutes, the following mandates are to be newly filled this year: A: Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer (CMO, election period until 2022) B: Chief Technology Officer (CTO, election period until 2022) C: Two auditors (Election period until 2021) The ima team proposes the following candidates: A: Dr. Bernhard Westrup , Austria B: Rob Stamp , United Kingdom C1: Markus Fritsch , Germany C2: Thomas Reck , Germany Candidatures from the member…

  • Tumblr wird verkauft, Instagram missbraucht Nutzerdaten

    Aus den Tagesnachrichten vom 13. August 2019 : Verizon hat sich jetzt mit einem Milliardenverlust auch vom (kostenlosen) Fotodienst Tumblr getrennt: Und bei Instagram ist ein großer Missbrauch von Nutzerinhalten aufgedeckt worden:

  • 2015

    ... une lettre de vœux , que j' ai reçue le 6 janvier 2015 ... ... jour de notre très chrétienne fête des Rois ...

  • les enfants ont toujours le dernier mot

    des lettres plein les dents
    Mes amis de la tgv et moi-même organisions des chasses au trésor ... ...le printemps et au mois d'août en Bretagne à la Toussaint en Vallée d'Aspe... Les chasses bretonnes étaient pilotées par nos amis. J'étais la patronne des jeux pyrénéens. Tous y trouvaient du plaisir : nous les adultes à préparer jeux de pistes et récompenses, eux les enfants à chercher, réfléchir et trouver. Des indices étaient négociables en échange de moyens que je tairais ... "inavouables", car s'il…

  • Adding pop-up images to notes on your ipernity photos

    The other day while browsing photos on ipernity I noticed a photo that had notes which when I hovered over them with the mouse an image would pop up, like on this one . So I decided to try a few things and figured out how to do it. Here is the recipe. On the image you would like to pop-up and add a link to go to more options and select View all sizes . Now choose the size of the image you want to pop up, 800 is a good starting place. Below the image you will see a link Post this p…

  • Greetings, Norwegians!

    These are urgently awful political times, so I feel compelled to state the obvious right out in the open, on occasion. Background: The summary is that the president doesn't want any immigrants from "sh**hole countries," and that's a direct quote. Those are countries with certain skin colors predominant. Instead, he wants decent people from places like Norway. So, here is my welcome to our new immigrants from Norway, as long as they're white Norwegians... _______________________________________________________________

  • Cabin fever

    Pump house ruin
    There are so many fires around Oregon and California that most people are staying inside whenever possible because of the smoke. I bought a good mask over the weekend, so if I do have to go out I'll be prepared. It's also very hot (90° - 105°). So, I've got cabin fever and I am not the only one! There are similar conditions in many places on the globe. I just saw on the news that today, Tokyo was 105°! I have been to Japan and it was more humid than anyplace I've ever been, including W. Afri…

  • Mexique : Le pays où la photographie est un sport

    Pour la photographie, le Mexique n’est pas l’Inde, ni l’Asie en général. Voyons l’aspect positif : Je ne suis pas assailli de demandes de selfies. Mais d’un autre côté, mes demandes de photos sont refusées à quatre-vingt-dix-neuf pour cent. Surtout par les indiens. De nombreuses chouettes images n’iront pas remplir mes disques durs et resteront dans ma tête. La moisson de portraits sera d’autant plus maigre que pour ce genre d’images, sans autorisation, pas de photo. Nada !…

164 articles in total