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  • Die Fotos meiner Oma ... (Teil 1)

    Angela, geb. Langen und Johann Wilkens
    ... oder: "Wie eine Zeitreise beginnt." Wir sind in den letzten Tage mal damit angefangen, die kahle weiße Wand in unserem Wohnzimmer mit Bilder unserer Ahnen zu verzieren. Diese war dafür seit unserem Einzug vor drei Jahren dafür reserviert, die Bilder lagen - teilweise schon digitalisiert - bereit. Doch gilt auch heute noch der Satz, den ich aus Kindheitstagen kenne: "Im Winter sortieren wir mal die Fotokiste...!" Dazu - man kann es sich denken - ist es nie gekommen.

  • 2021-04-02 Club News

    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Last Sunday, March 29, 2021, the Ipernity General Assembly 2021 took place. The previous Board of our Association was discharged for its activities in 2020. The p…

  • Streuner im Winter

    Nicht alle Katzen haben ein gemütliches und warmes Zuhause und vielleicht auch nicht genug zu essen. In dieser Jahreszeit und bei der derzeitigen Kälte verjagt bitte keine Streunerkätzchen. Wer auf seinem eigenen Grundstück Spuren findet, kann an geschützter Stelle einen Unterschlupf und Futter anbieten. Tierschutzvereine und Streunerhilfen können Eure Unterstützung brauchen. Bitte seht nicht weg! ................... „Das Wenige was du tun kannst…

  • My personal cheat sheet for using ipernity

    evening light
    1. HAVE FUN! 2. ADDING IMAGES TO COMMENTS: -- Image has to be up on ipernity (though it can be private). -- On image page, go to Actions/Share (HTML code) [find the Actions link on the bar to the right of the image]. -- Choose size of photo you want to embed in the comment. -- THEN, copy "Insert the photo" code HTML (bottom box). -- Place this code into the comment field. Note: You can preview your comment to make sure the image shows up correctly and is the size you want. All comm…

  • Sharing ipernity articles to Facebook and Twitter

    Ipernity Club News and Updates
    Several things learned, when trying to figure out how to get a nice image on articles shared to Facebook and Twitter. Sharing an article I discovered that it is better to always embed a small thumbnail image onto the beginning of the article. Otherwise there becomes some arbitrary " widescreen_example.png " image retrieved from the, where also ipernity icons and JavaScripts are stored. UPDATE: It is better to put the image somewhere around second paragraph. Anyway…

  • 2021-01-01 Bonne année !

    ⏩ English version ⏩ Deutsche Version Chers membres et amis d'ipernity, Une année turbulente se termine. Dans la vie quotidienne, nous avons été confrontés à des incidents qui n'étaient même pas vaguement imaginables au début de l'année. Et en ce qui concerne notre site web, nous avons également rencontré des défis très critiques. Au printemps, nous avons été frappés par une interruption de la connexion à PayPal. La cause en était que notre site web utilisait un logiciel o…

  • 2021-01-01 Happy New Year!

    ⏩ Deutsche Version ⏩ Version française Dear members and friends of ipernity, A turbulent year ends. In everyday life, we were confronted with incidents that were not even vaguely imaginable at the start of the year. And with regard to our website we also encountered some very critical challenges. In spring, we were struck by an interruption in the connection to PayPal. The cause was that our website was using outdated software that PayPal no longer accepted. In summer, a se…

  • 2020-12-24 Merry Christmas!

    Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, Unfortunately, our IT specialists were not able to repair the disruption of the upload function before Christmas. The cause is that the Amazon cloud no longer accepts the previous data transfer protocol. Solving this problem is extremely difficult, because the ipernity software is very complex, and any documentation is rather limited.…

  • Plonger.

    Plonger pour voir et pour savoir. Pour réfléchir. Au musée sous-marin de Lanzarote, on n'en finit pas de recevoir en pleine figure le regard tour à tour léger et glaçant du sculpteur Jason deCaires Taylor sur nos choses de la vie. De ces visites au musée dont on ne sort pas indemne.

  • Club News 2020-12-04

    Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) We thank you for the patience and sympathy we received during the downtime of the ipernity website. By now the ipernity website has been successfully rebooted. As far as we can see, no data or subscriptions have been lost. In individual cases, however, double uploads may have occurred. Please check your accounts for this and clea…

  • petit mais...

    CHAPITRE XXI C'est alors qu'apparut le renard: - Bonjour, dit le renard. - Bonjour, répondit poliment le petit prince, qui se retourna mais ne vit rien. - Je suis là, dit la voix, sous le pommier. - Qui es-tu ? dit le petit prince. Tu es bien joli... - Je suis un renard, dit le renard. - Viens jouer avec moi, lui proposa le petit prince. Je suis tellement triste... - Je ne puis pas jouer avec toi, dit le renard. Je ne suis pas apprivoisé. - Ah! pardon, fit le…

  • dans le contexte d'une période très particulière en france,

    Lettre aux instituteurs et aux institutrices (1888) de Jean Jaurès Vous tenez en vos mains l’intelligence et l’âme des enfants ; vous êtes responsables de la patrie. Les enfants qui vous sont confiés n’auront pas seulement à écrire et à déchiffrer une lettre, à lire une enseigne au coin d’une rue, à faire une addition et une multiplication. Ils sont Français et ils doivent connaître la France, sa géographie et son histoire: son corps et son âme. Ils seront citoyens et ils doivent savoir ce qu…

  • Secrets of ipernity search

    You can search somewhat anything on ipernity. But what you may not know are all the tweaks you can do to limit the search. Search for all cat photos (up to 1000) Write simply cat on top of the pages, onto field with "Search for people and more...", and select "Search for photos" from the drop down menu. The default search parameters then give you the most relevant photos where somewhere on the image title, caption, keywords or comment…

  • Window to the mind

    Window to the mind
    Photography is like writing, you start with an empty piece of paper, then fill it using your creativity. What is in your mind, what is on that paper, do they correspond, do they have connection? Do you start with an idea, then start writing, word for word, sentence by sentence until your story is complete? Or do you put a lot of words on that paper and start telling it is a story afterwards? Next time remember, photography can be a window to the mind! --------------------------------…

  • Reasons why I like ambient music 10/10

    Making collage...
    When trying to define what is ambient music, I discovered there is actually no clear definition for it. It is easier to say what is not ambient music than to say what goes under it. When I was trying to find out bands and music going under ambient genre, I discovered plenty of surprises there. One of big the surprises, and yet rather obvious one, was to find out Pink Floyd listed as an ambient music band. But on the other hand, Pink Floyd defined my musical taste when I was a teen . I si…

  • Reasons why I like ambient music 9/10

    Train journey
    For me music has always represented a storyline and trip through time and space. And that is why especially ambient music works so well as a soundtrack for videos, slideshows, movies, or somewhat any kind of presentation. And that is why I give you two different train journeys. Ulrich Schnauss - Train Journey from Jackbox on YouTube Reham - This Thirst from Francois Vogel on YouTube Second one is maybe not exactly ambient music, and the song is not long e…

  • Reasons why I like ambient music 3/10

    Around 2008, soon after discovering SomaFM internet radio station, I also found Magnatune . It is a pretty neat concept of giving a "lifetime" access to a wide range of music not available anywhere else. I was pleased to find out Magnatune still exists. What makes it special is their detailed bios on artists and their works. Around 2008 I often went there just to listen a specific ambient music gem, Stargarden , aka Bobby/Robert DeVito . His amazing albums are made with care and thou…

  • Newsflash 2020-08-07

    Illustration to Newsflash 2020-08-07
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) As announced last Friday, we have now released the trial version with the extended display options . At first it is only available in the English version, so that you can compare the previous and the new version by changing the language. As always, we ask for constructive optimization suggestions. The current changes only affect the “Photos” page (both your own and other members'), and the display options for them. The left hand panel was…

  • La Puissance De Votre Subconscient!

    Le grand secret commun à tous les grands hommes de toutes les époques, c'est leur capacité de prendre contact avec les pouvoirs de leur subconscient et de libérer ces pouvoirs. Votre subconscient détient la réponse à tous les problèmes. Si vous lui suggérez avant de vous endormir: « Je veux me réveiller à six heures », il vous réveillera exactement à cette heure-là. Votre subconscient est l'exécuteur de vos choix et décisions. Bercez-vous chaque soir avec l'idée de la santé parfaite,…

  • Reasons why I like ambient music 7/10

    Feeling rusty
    After discovering SoundCloud, I next found my way to BandCamp . It is a place where artists share their music to buy and download, sometimes also for free under Creative Commons license. In practice it does not much differ from other similar services, but once again, one can find there something different than from elsewhere. In this case, and for me, Spunkshine seems to offer a lot at BandCamp. FREE Spunkshine debris by Spunkshine Spunkshine - debris album available for fr…

164 articles in total