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Publication date  /  2020  /  January  /  30   -   2 articles

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  • Hey flowers in the garden on 30.1.2020

    - 30 Jan 2020 - 6 comments
    I was looking out my bedroom window this morning and I saw a small flash of pale colouring and so I took a few pictures so I could see what it was. Imagine my surprise when I enlarged the pictures - Spring has started to tease us - they were the first

  • My 2020 annual check-up!!!!

    - 30 Jan 2020 - 8 comments
    Every year around January, I have to attend my doctor's surgery for my annual MOT!! Luckily for me, my doctor agreed that maybe I don't need the "Pee pills" anymore, as it hasn't done me much good. Oh the joy - the freedom - the more time I have without