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Publication date  /  2013  /  June  /  26   -   3 articles

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  • Just had this sent to me...........

    - 26 Jun 2013
    I've just watched this video clip of an amazing parrot called Einstein and it's really amazing to see how much this parrot has learned. Click on it and you'll see what I mean.

  • It's my dad's birthday today.........

    - 26 Jun 2013 - 3 comments
    Today is my dad's birthday and if he had lived he'd be 97 today!!!! As my dad died when he was 56, to imagine him at 97 is impossible. This is my dad during the war when he was in North Africa - he rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the 8th Army

  • I had a visitor today........

    - 26 Jun 2013 - 2 comments
    I was doing my sewing today - what's new you groan!!!! and I had a little visitor............ He decided he liked my finger and stayed there for nearly a minute. I tried to shake him off but he clung on for dear life. Eventually after having a wash and