Just a quick note, Dai has heard from his family over there and they are all well. They are just waiting for the aftershocks to stop then they can go back into their house and get food and more bedding etc. They are outside in a field at the moment, with a makeshift tent, made out of sheets and wood. Not a very good amount of protection from the elements, but it's something I suppose. Flocky, his gorgeous dog, has had to be kept in his cage because he wouldn't be too good with everything going on around him.

Dai, meanwhile is managing to find out more and more each day about the situation over there. There are other members of family who are living in the epicentre of the earthquake, they've lost their homes but are still alive. Water is now being taken to them, and food etc. So hopefully things will start to improve.

I will keep you informed as and when I hear more from him.