Tony and Stevie aren't going to adopt the twins unfortunately. The mother has fought and fought [which is a good thing right?] to keep them and she's won her last appeal for a while. She was told that this was her last chance to keep the girls. If there is anything the Social Services find that would concern them, then she would lose the girls immediately. This is good news for the girls to go back home, I think, but obviously not good news for Tony and Stevie. They have decided to put their adoption hopes on the back burner for a while, until they feel ready to go through the process again. Such a shame, they had already developed a bond with the girls, and so they feel hurt at the moment.

Tony, meanwhile, has been promoted up the ladder and is now going after gangs who steal and sell 'red diesel', so he had to be fitted for his own personal Kevlar vest - not too happy about that - although it's better that he has a vest - I'm just not happy that he's going to be in a position where one is necessary.

Stevie has got a full time job again, one where she enjoys the work and one which keeps her mind off her obvious disappointment at losing the girls.

When they came up to see me on Sunday, their demeanour was somewhat down as expected, but otherwise they seemed more positive about things. Tony starts his new job on Friday, at least this job is situated in Plymouth where they live, so he'll have an extra 4 hours per day because he won't be travelling all the way and back to Exeter. That will help a lot, no wonder he's been feeling tired all the time.

Just wanted to let you all know the situation - so when I do become a granny - I'll let you all know - but not before it is legal and definite.