Well Peter and Ann's attempt to keep the seagulls away from nesting in amongst my chimneys has gone awry somewhat.... they'd bought a large owl in plaster with huge eyes and it had been put ontop of the flat roof of their house, looking up towards the chimney pots.

Well it worked for a couple of years - but when we had some really hard weather a couple of weeks ago - the owl was blown over. So now the seagulls don't have the beady eyes of a large own watching them and they've come back.........

They were cawing to each other and even screaming at other gulls when they neared the chimneys. They've already got rid of the old nest which they put inbetween the four chimneys - judging by the rubbish picked up on the floor.

Now they've started to make their new nest. I've decided to call them Dolly and Kenny after Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers. Kenny seems to be the one making more noise than Dolly, but well he's a man and has to show who's boss - even if he's sadly mistaken............. LOL

I am pleased that they've come back - I know the neighbours aren't but I love having them around. They do make a bit of a noise but I feel honoured that they want to bring up their kids on my roof.