Hiya folks, tis me again........

After having sat on a cold stone pebble so you could see my contribution of the sunset, it developed into a cold I'm afraid.............. all your fault LOL

So I've been quiet on here since then because of the sneezes and coughs. Not the best of looks I can tell you. Anyway today I feel a tad nearer my usual self especially when our Mr Ferris gave me a fright the other night by being more weird than usual when I rang him up LOL I am so pleased to find out that it was because of a lack of solids and liquid intakes during the day - I'd be up there and giving him a slap if I didn't know he'd be quite happy about it!!!

Today I espied a little visitor scurrying across the lounge floor - tiny in fact. Now this brave [aka stupid] little field mouse decided to explore my house with two very mouse orientated cats!!! Lucky for him/her - they were both outside looking for ... mice.. Anyway it eventually sidled towards me and I picked it up and it seemed quite happy to sit on my hand while I fed it with crumbs from a cheese cracker. After about half an hour, it was time for it to go outside into the garden.........

This isn't too clear I'm afraid, I was shaking a tad.

Then he decided to make a show of leaving my hand.......

but then hunkered down to have a final wash before he went.

I didn't want to have him loose in the house because the cats would get him with no doubt and didn't want that slaughter on my conscience, so sadly I said goodbye to my new best friend and took him outside in the garden - last seen darting it's way through the undergrowth.