Okay folks, just a quickie here - been out and about a little today and am quite tired...

First I had to go to the Post Office to collect a parcel, as the postman hadn't been able to rouse me when he called. The ironic thing is - the parcel contains a new door bell - LOL. That's why I didn't hear him when he pressed the buzzer.

Anyway after having queued for a while before I was able to see someone about it, I thought I'd go to the pharmacy to collect the pills they had run out of when I went on Monday.......... wrong decision............

There was a queue of about 7 people, and I had to wait in line for over 20 minutes - well the very nice man who was queuing behind me let me go and sit down and kept my place open. Honestly that pharmacy is getting worse and worse, they don't acknowledge you if you are waiting and there are about 9 or 10 people working there and they look busy doing I don't know what. So you feel that they aren't interested in helping you - not a good attitude at all. I think I'll move my pharmacy to another one. It was handy because it's on the same plot of land as the surgery, but it sucks............

Anyway when I came out I realised that it was almost sunset and the weather was clear, so I nipped down to the pebbleridge beach and saw this glorious sunset - well as glorious as it could be without many clouds......

Boy it was cold there but I remembered to take a fleece with me to sit on the rocks. Good idea otherwise I'd have felt that cold stone for hours..........

It was great to see such a lovely sunset after so many weeks of cold wet weather. I thought I'd just add a little video - you will hear the wind, but you can also hear the waves when I turned away from the wind. LOL Hope you enjoy it.