I'm so sorry that I've been sort of absent for about 3 weeks now, but things have been more than quiet around my home. We have had some good weather and today the weather gods have decided to remind us that we are coming into the Autumn (Fall to you Americans), and from yesterday's temperatures of 25C ( 77F) to today's 14C (57F). Yesterday I was wearing a sleeveless dress and today I've got long sleeved blouse and am now wearing a cardigan over it!!!! What on earth is going on? We also got our first rain for about 4 days, so now at least I don't have to worry about the flowers in the garden. (Not that I go around watering them, but other people have flowers in their gardens and they've had to water them!!) The petunias that I had started growing indoors, but then put outside because of the little aphids that were steadily eating the plants to their heart's content, have rallied around and now I have a couple of pots outside my lounge window which are now full of thriving petunias. Unfortunately the pink and white ones were the ones which succumbed to the onslaught of those damned aphids!!!! So now I have the beautiful deep purple ones, so I have decided that next year I'll do the large pots with the variety of petunias, only they'll go outside where they are now, because I can still see them from my couch.

I'm getting tired of listening to the news, if it's not the damn COVID19, it's the US election, then the arguments start and let's face it - the world is in a dark place, and the only thing we need to do is try and find some sunshine. I spoke to my son last night and he said he'll try and come up to see me soon, but the way the Government keeps changing its mind about who can travel and who can see who, it's all up in the air. I haven't seen him since March and he only lives 80 odd miles away. Mandi lives around 4,000 miles away and she is going through similar problems with tourists not being good, they won't wear masks nor keep their distance, so it's all chaos. So she's had to stay in her home, because her immune system is down, and she would soon be liable to catch anything that's going round.

There is some good news from her end though - her cat, Fluff, produced 4 little kittens the other day - it was a complete surprise to everyone, but even though Dogan wasn't happy, it didn't take him long before he was craning his neck to see them!!!!

Dogan has been such a lovely son-in-law to me, he knows I haven't left my home since January, and that I'm missing seeing the sea, that he's been sending me pictures of the sea and resort where they live to cheer me up!!!

It looks such a lovely place - and it is. He took these at dawn, on his way to starting the day at the hotel. I do love this area, and I thought it was really lovely of him to take these pictures for me, so I won't forget it. As if I could.

The last picture is of a small bay only a mile or so from their home - almost invisible to anyone, who doesn't know it's there.

Tony's wife, Stevie, thought she'd send me a picture of the kids going to school for the first time since March. Chloe is all girlie and looks happy enough to be going back, but Josh, on the other hand, is typically boyish - he wasn't too keen on returning, because he enjoyed home schooling.

Well now the University has re-opened, Tony has started his new job as tutor and together with his part-time job with a local tv company, doing documentaries, he's got his hands full, so it's a great relief to him to have the kids back at school.

Well apart from all this, not a lot has happened to me, well apart from the drive belt going on my old hoover!!!! So even though I do have a spare drive band, the hoover is rather old, and it can do upstairs but for downstairs I ordered a new hoover, which was on a special price only for yesterday - and it arrived this afternoon!!!! I've never had such quick delivery and it looks amazing! Emily will be pleased!

Well folks, I do hope you are all behaving yourselves and not causing havoc with your neighbourhood!!!! I can't see this virus problem being over for a long time, so what will happen to us all eh? We're going to have to find a way of coping with it, and finding a new way of life. It's strange but that old saying is really true - you never know how much you love something, until it's taken away from you. Please take care of yourselves.