I feel very cold a lot of the time, and yet 4C isn't as cold as it's been before. I have not only the radiator on all day, but also the halogen fire. I suppose that's what getting old does for you!!!!

I remembered when it was really cold here, and I'd taken photographs, so just to cheer myself up and to stop me from moaning - I found them.

Now these were taken 9 years ago, almost to the day. Thank heavens it hasn't been this cold so far this year. Apparently we've been threatened with snow and ice within the next few weeks. I don't know about you - but I don't believe them!!!! They aren't as accurate as they should be - I suppose it all depends on what window they're looking out of!!!!

This was the view out of my bathroom window - onto part of my driveway. It looks so lovely and tidy - the snow covered a multitude of sins!!!

I'd had a tarpaulin covering my wood before Peter, my neighbour, had made a small wood shed for me. I was so delighted to see these amazing patterns that the hoar frost had made on it.

These are the fallen leaves of the mombretia - instead of looking all droopy and old, they look gorgeous with this wonderful covering of ice particles.

I remember looking around to see what else was covered with the hoar frost and snow and I discovered this pile of branches and twigs that had been cut off the lilac trees, pruning having been done the week before.

This was hidden near the log pile - and I was delighted that the ice made even the most boring of little plants and foliage, attractive.

Now we come to my favourite pictures - I remember being so taken with the pattern on this old tree stump. It's simply amazing, how large the ice crystals are. Without them, I don't think I'd have noticed the pattern on the wood.

Now this leaf stood out for me - mainly I think because of the size of the crystals covering the leaf. I love this picture.

Finally my most favourite of pictures. It was this view of the extension window through the front door, which made me realise that the freezing weather was here. I couldn't believe it, never having seen anything like it before. I fell in love with the patterns on the glass and it was this sight that got me to go out and discover all the other sights.

Bearing in mind, this was before my brain haemorrhage and my immobility, that I'd been able to pop out as and when the fancy took me. Nowadays, it's really difficult for me to go out and take pictures like this quickly.

So as long as it doesn't get as cold this winter - then I'll be happy.

May I wish all my friends a very happy Christmas and a wonderful 2020.