Emily has been a trouper today - she not only went up the 16 stairs to get the tree, but she had to carry it down complete. I'd left the lights attached to the tree, so it couldn't be separated to make it easier to carry!!!! Oooops - sorry Emily!!! Then she had to go back upstairs again to bring the two large tubs full of baubles etc. When I said I wanted the tree to just have baubles on, she said that she thought it would be nice.

So she proceeded to put the different coloured balls and baubles on the tree. I'd decided on a gold and silver colour scheme. So at least she didn't have to bring all the different tubs full of different colours. I've got one tub for green, one for black and grey, one for purple, the red and gold share the same large tub, as does the silver and white.!!!! I've also got beads of each colour.

Yes the tree looks okay now - Emily has done a grand job. I just wish I could stand up to do it myself. I've also wrapped up the pressies for the neighbours, so they can take them back with them.

Once she'd finished the tree, she just took a couple of minutes to do the mantlepiece swag! - I always leave the lights on all year round, so it's just a case of swirling the swag cross the front of the lights.

I think that should just about finish it. I used to decorate the whole room, plus the hallway and kitchen, but it's too much decorations for me to do now, and I'm on my own, so it's pointless really. It took Emily about an hour all told to do the whole decorations - I used to take loads of time.

I hope you have had a great time preparing your home for Christmas. The weather is certainly cold enough for it, today has been a mixture, of rain, sun, high winds and cold temperatures. So staying indoors has been a necessity!!