I think I told you all about how my neighbours had paid for someone to come and put up spikes to deter the seagulls from nesting on my roof inbetween my chimneys. Well, I hope they ask for their money back because the seagulls have interwoven their nest inbetween the spikes and have had chicks!!!!!!

For some unaccountable reason, seagulls are a protected species and so we can't move them physically, so we have to persuade them to leave. Considering how many seagulls there are in the UK, I certainly don't know why they are considered an endangered species!!!!

I heard a funny noise last night but didn't know what it was and as there wasn't any more noises and Pippin didn't seem too bothered, I ignored it. Well this morning I looked up to the back porch roof and discovered there was something walking about on it!!

I don't know how many chicks there are up in the nest, so I haven't got names for them yet, so I'll call it Fred.

He's already made the roof of the porch dirty, with his "poop" and then him walking through it - lovely. Now he's attacking the glass window with his beak!!! I'm not going to feed it because with a bit of luck, it'll get fed up and then jump down and hopefully fly up to the nest and the other chicks!! I won't hold my breath though!!!

Now Pippin has to enter and leave the house via the window in my lounge, because the parents of the chick tend to attack anyone or anything anywhere near their offspring. My groceries deliverer had to run into the kitchen to avoid the mother seagull from dive-bombing him!

Okay - Fred it is - I hope that Fred decides that it's no fun sitting on that plastic roof without any food or water, and goes away to join his family.